Report: Former Dominion Project Manager Was A Michigan Democrat Mayor At Same Time – IOTW Report

Report: Former Dominion Project Manager Was A Michigan Democrat Mayor At Same Time

100% FedUP:Mayor Kelly Garrett is a proud former Deputy Director of the MI Democratic Party. Michigan Governor Whitmer thought so much of Garrett that she appointed her to the Commission on Community Action & Economic Opportunity.

Ms. Garrett has quite an impressive resume. Only 7 years after receiving a Masters of Information Systems degree from the online college, Phoenix University, she became Mayor of the city of Lathrup Village, Michigan in Nov. 2017.

At the same time that Kelly Garrett was acting as Mayor of Lathrup Village, she was also working as a full-time Project Manager/Customer Relations Manager for Dominion Voting Systems.  According to her Linkedin resume, Kelly started working at Dominion in May of 2017, but a $25 million contract with the State of MI showing Kelly’s name as one of the Dominion representatives executing the deal, is dated March 1, 2017. more here

3 Comments on Report: Former Dominion Project Manager Was A Michigan Democrat Mayor At Same Time

  1. Dominion is the machine to blatantly steal the election in the states that stopped counting, but how many votes did dominion steal in the other states? How many votes did the other two systems steal in other states.

    I asked a few of our republicans who are trying so hard to convince us our system is safe because we have paper ballots that question and they have not replied. They can post on social media, give interviews to radio stations and newspapers saying how safe our system is, but they can’t answer questions when you ask them.
    I’ve also asked about our absentee ballots, which I know of three people who said they were told they didn’t have all the required information, but it was okay. Silence on that front as well.
    Those involved with the party tell me to shut up basically because we’re a red state, so if rules are bent it’s no big deal or we just had mistakes like poll workers trying to force people to wear masks to vote or torn ballots for Trump left in a Church because of all these new poll workers this year.
    Nothing to see here, just move along, we’re a red state, everything is good.
    There has been more than Lankford in this state stepping in shit in regards to this election, but it was just the media twisting their words, nothing to see here, move along.
    A GOP attorney, who is also an elector, who spends the majority of his time in DC, so much time that his phone number is a DC number writing that there has been much more fraud in other elections and courts don’t overturn elections, Biden wins. Nothing to see here, look he has a picture with President Trump, move along now.

    It sure as hell makes you wonder how many were selected by machines and don’t want it exposed when they try so hard to convince you how safe our machines are.

    Our Governor suddenly mandates masks in all state buildings and limits restaurant capacity again and closes bars at 11 p.m. because you know the virus gets stronger at 11:01 p.m. and we’re told to sit down and shut up. Then the legislature starts circling the wagons praising him along with the RINO mayors who have been little dictators.

    If there is nothing to find in the primary, runoff and general elections then why not ease everyone’s fears and audit those elections? Oklahomans have been calling for absentee ballots to be looked into since they went 80% in favor of medicaid expansion in the primaries. Now more and more are wanting the primary election and the general election audited, not because anyone thinks the outcomes would change in the general, but because they(we) believe it might show the few democrats who were elected to state office weren’t really elected and that Trump might have even more votes. We do wonder though what the primaries would show and the medicaid expansion would show.

    I think all 50 states should be audited, none of these machines are safe.

  2. Joe Biden isn’t going to be outdone by the Mich. governor .

    Peter Neffenger, Smartmatic chairman, has been named as one of Joe’s transition team members. Clearly someone controlling Joe wanted to reward one of Joe’s biggest vote getters. From the vote fraud system Joe bragged about creating before election day.


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