Report: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to Defy Trump, Appoint Establishment-Backed Kelly Loeffler to Senate – IOTW Report

Report: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to Defy Trump, Appoint Establishment-Backed Kelly Loeffler to Senate


Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp will likely tap business executive Kelly Loeffler to the U.S. Senate despite strong criticism from his conservative base over Loffler’s affiliation with Planned Parenthood, Stacey Abrams, and establishment Republicans, according to a report released Friday.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Friday that Kemp plans to tap business executive Loeffler next week as he will attempt to appeal to Georgia suburban women despite the conservative opposition to Loeffler.

Kemp’s potential nomination of Loeffler will defy President Donald Trump, prominent conservative organizations, and Georgia’s conservative base that helped Kemp get elected to the governor’s office.

Breitbart News has reported how Loeffler has concerning ties to Democrat icon Stacey Abrams, and also that Loeffler’s basketball team, the Atlanta Dream, has promoted the abortion provider Planned Parenthood. Loeffler has also donated $750,000 to Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 presidential campaign as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) campaigns and PACs.

The Georgia governor’s nomination of Loeffler could also spark a contentious primary fight, as House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA), Trump’s favorite for the seat, told the Journal-Constitution that he is “strongly” considering a run for the Senate seat if he is not picked. more

14 Comments on Report: Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp to Defy Trump, Appoint Establishment-Backed Kelly Loeffler to Senate

  1. It just never ends! He barely bear the morbidly obese malcontent Stacy Abrams only to turn around and shove a knife in the voters backs. This jackass is in for some rough waters ahead.

  2. I’m just naturally uneasy about politicians who “follow in the footsteps” of their parents – stinks too much of dynastics – and their dedication to a corrupt status quo mean more to them than the liberties of their constituents.


    Just off the top of my head and just an impression – some of em may be good people – but maybe they should find real jobs. Politics takes on the aspect of piranhas on a capybara or maggots on a corpse.

    izlamo delenda est …


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