Report: Glenn Beck’s The Blaze ‘Falling Apart’ – IOTW Report

Report: Glenn Beck’s The Blaze ‘Falling Apart’


Breitbart–    The Huffington Post reports on the continuing problems engulfing The Blaze founder Glenn Beck’s troubled media empire.

From The Huffington Post:

Glenn Beck’s website The Blaze is coming apart, suffering from a lack of editorial direction, staff attrition and internal discord, according to sources inside the news outlet.

The site, which Beck launched in 2010 to serve as the conservative counterpart to The Huffington Post, has dropped from 25 employees on its editorial side to just six. A source inside The Blaze, who requested anonymity for fear of retribution, told HuffPost that the mood among the rapidly diminishing news team is somber.

“The few people who are still left are looking for an exit because they know The Blaze is over,” the source said. “They haven’t told us straight up that they’re done with us, but all the signs point to it, and they’re not replacing people who are laid off or get out.”  MORE

35 Comments on Report: Glenn Beck’s The Blaze ‘Falling Apart’

  1. Glenn Beck was a guest on the Adam Carolla Show this week. I just noticed the podcast downloading to my iphone yesterday. If anyone else is interested. I’m torn between deleting it or listening to it this weekend. I think I’ve reached my full of Trump negative talk. We’ll see.

  2. Beck’s “principles” must include destroying his credibility, destroying his site, destroying the lives of those who worked for him, and destroying the country with his demented “nevertrump principles”.

    Patriot? NOT by a long shot (a very long shot).

  3. I’ll never forget Glenn Beck’s giddy meeting with Mark Zuckerberg.

    I would also like to know why the Blaze Radio hasn’t uploaded a podcast from Sheriff Clarke’s program since Sept. 2nd.

  4. This guy is sharp as a marble. I’m tired of hearing about him. I wish he’d just go away. Maybe I’ll send him a crate or two of Jack Daniels and expedite the process.

  5. He and a guest were hoping for a total devastating defeat of Trump to finally rid us of the evil. No worry, a conservative savior will win in 2020. No mention of the Supreme Court appointees, etc.
    I used to like his exposes of Soros and others on Fox News. His chalk talks seemed to be very informative.
    I even bought his book on Washington and got it autographed (assembly line with him shaking hands with right hand while scribbling his signature with left hand).
    He is fully NUTS.

  6. Billy, very funny. Its that kind of humor that will loose trump Utah, Idaho, Az, Wy and Colorado. If your electoral collage map has trump winning without those states keep it up.

    I was as enraged at Beck as anyone for not holding the line. But as this slow burn continues I am beginning to feel very sorry for Beck. He made a mistake and he keeps doubling down on the same mistake and I have now reached the point that I actually feel sorry for him.

  7. Idaho, Az, Wy and Colorado all like their guns and will vote Trump. Utah, let’s just say I hope the LDS population has been watered down some. I know Cali LDS. A lot of them. And they’re all voting Trump. Must be something in that Utah water. To much salt.

  8. Bad Brad- I just had lunch yesterday with an Conservative Jew and a Mormon and both were leaning Hillary. A very long story short I knocked them off the fence; the only point that rang to them was the SCOTUS.

    I know Mormons in Idaho, I know Mormons in Colorado. A solid 1/3 are in the @nevertrump camp. All I’m saying is ragging on their faith won’t help trump win.

    Here is some very good news. I had a 23 old kid sharpening my Cuto Knives and at the end he asked me if I watched the debate. I said I did and asked him his thoughts before I told him my thoughts. In short he lives with his girlfriend and a roommate. All 3 were feeling the Bern and all 3 are 100% undecided. He also told me that he is in a dance troop and 70% are undecided. If the millennials don’t show up in mass like they did for Obama I do not think Hillary will win. I have my fingers crossed.

    FYI, they like their guns in Utah as well but the whole ‘character thing’ just happens to be a major issue for the Mormon types.

  9. “FYI, they like their guns in Utah as well but the whole ‘character thing’ just happens to be a major issue for the Mormon types. ”

    Then why did the Mormons in NV vote for Harry Reid?

  10. @MJA – DID the Mormons in NV vote for Harry Reid? Serious question, as I don’t know. I thought it was the SEIU and bussed in illegals and massive voter fraud that got him elected.

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