Report: Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations. The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal – IOTW Report

Report: Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations. The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal

GP: On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit broke a BLOCKBUSTER REPORT on 2020 voter fraud in Michigan.

The investigation had been buried by politicians, government investigators and the press.

On October 8, 2020, only one month before the 2020 general election, Muskegon, MI City Clerk Ann Meisch noticed a black female, whose name was later redacted from the police report, dropping off between 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications at the city clerk’s office. Clerk Meisch immediately noticed that the stacks of registrations included the same handwriting, non-existent addresses, and incorrect phone numbers.

The Muskegon Police Department was contacted and asked to investigate. On 10/21/20 First Lieutenant Mike Anderson was contacted by Tom Fabus, Chief of Investigations for Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s Office. According to the MI State Police report, Fabus asked for Michigan State Police assistance with a joint investigation of alleged voter fraud being conducted by the Muskegon Police Department and the AG.

An investigative task force was formed, and an investigation was initiated.

During their investigation, the state police discovered the women worked for GBI Strategies. This was included in their police report. The group had temporary offices in numerous Michigan locations. The police also identified Gary Bell as the head of the organization.

When the police inspected the GBI Strategies office near Muskegon they found semiautomatic guns, silencers/suppressors, burner phones, a bag of pre-paid cash cards, and incomplete registrations, in an office space that was styled as an eyeglasses store that had gone defunct.

There were never any arrests. And the investigation was turned over to the FBI where it went to die, just like all of the other Democrat voter fraud investigations. Back in November 2020 Bill Barr appointed a notorious DOJ attorney who covered up voter fraud crimes. MORE

5 Comments on Report: Guns, Burner Phones and Fake Registrations. The Buried Michigan Voter Fraud Scandal

  1. Let me get this straight. When democrats go 180 against their stated beliefs and entirely opposite of law there’s no issue as ABC departments and their party stand up for them. When a conservative just wants to be left alone and does no harm they are hassled to bankruptcy and no one, not even their own party, stands up for them. Hmmm, looks like I’ve been playing ball for the wrong team. I mean, clearly the republican party has been bought and paid for by democrats, along with all the ABCs. There’s no other reasoning behind it.

  2. Living here in Michigan I can assure you that every dem voter I talk with assures me this didn’t happen.
    When I tell them what I think it always makes them very, very angry.
    I must not be very good at verbal communication or something.
    I’ll have to work on that I guess.


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