Report: Haley’s latest “America First” blunder likely ended her “veep” dreams – IOTW Report

Report: Haley’s latest “America First” blunder likely ended her “veep” dreams

Revolver -The likelihood of Nikki Haley becoming the Queen of England is higher than her chances of becoming the GOP presidential nominee. Nikki is a classic case of a neocon establishment politician attempting to walk a tightrope between her true self and the image she wants MAGA to perceive, and her performance in this balancing act is a mess. Her intentions are transparent to everyone. And in case you’re not acquainted with the ins and outs of Swampy Nikki, we recommend delving into Revolver’s eye-opening exposé on her. more here

12 Comments on Report: Haley’s latest “America First” blunder likely ended her “veep” dreams

  1. If anyone doesn’t realize Haley is a swamp creature they haven’t been paying any attention to anything.
    Same w/ Ramaswamey, Pence, Chrispie Creme and everyone else who’s running other than Trump.
    They won’t get rich being in a Trump admin because he won’t cave to the swamp donors.

  2. Kissing up to the enemy isn’t going to work. The enemy hates your very being, the fact that you exist. Kissing up to that won’t buy a single vote, it won’t even buy polite comment from the enemy.

    Kissing up to the enemy will alienate the people on your side though, and cost votes as well as polite comments.

    Things are strained enough at this time that politics isn’t differing ideas on how to move forward together. Once the adversary starts calling you Hitler they’ve moved into the category of an enemy.

    Never kiss up in any way to the enemy.

  3. She married off her India-White girl daughter to a big black buck for street cred.
    She complained that DeSantis went after Disney “even though they donated to his campaign.”
    The bitch actually said that!
    She is on a fast track to Liz Cheneyville…

  4. When she was governor I was clued in to Niki’s swampiness by my cousin that lives in SC. I always thought Trump appointed her to the UN to get her out of the governor’s seat. If she didn’t toe his line he would have fired her.

  5. This is the worthless See You Next Tuesday that set off the monument removal phase of the Covid scam. Don’t tell me the Bush wing of the Republicans weren’t in on it up to their eyeballs.


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