Report: ‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary – IOTW Report

Report: ‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary

Insider Paper: A mysterious illness known as “Havana syndrome,” which caused hundreds of US personnel to become sick, was not caused by a foreign enemy using energy waves as a weapon, according to an intelligence report.

This contradicts a theory that had been debated for a long time, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

The CIA and other US intelligence agencies have been trying for years to explain why American diplomats and intelligence officers around the world have been experiencing strange and painful acoustic sensations.

This has resulted in shortened careers, large medical bills, and severe physical and emotional suffering. Many of the people who were affected believe that they were deliberately attacked, possibly by Russia or another adversarial government.

However, the intelligence report contradicts this claim, according to The Washington Post.

Seven intelligence agencies reviewed approximately 1,000 cases of “anomalous health incidents,” including physical symptoms like ringing in the ears, pressure in the head, nausea, headaches, and acute discomfort.

Five agencies concluded that it was highly unlikely that a foreign adversary used directed energy weapons or unintentional electronic surveillance to cause the symptoms in US personnel.

The first reported symptoms were at the US Embassy in Havana in 2016. more

15 Comments on Report: ‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary

  1. and Covid came from an animal in a wet market, the vaccine is safe and even safer in multiples, the 2020 election was the most secure ever Joe popped his head out of his basement and inspired 81 million votes.

  2. Different Tim: Don’t forget that the water and the air in East Palestine is safe. Granted it is not the intelligence agencies, but it is still the government.

    And don’t believe your lying eyes when you see the pictures of the SWAT-like people going after that Catholic anti-abortion person. The FBI says that isn’t true.

  3. And then the fat old mouse said, “Maybe it was one of our own jamming devices that caused all the havoc. I lost three beautiful overseas homes in the wainscoting at three of our embassies. I still get headaches and don’t even bring up the subject with Mrs. Anymouse.”

  4. I suspect it could be a disease that is common in Canuckistan, England & other such leftist countries. It has now been spreading in the USA since the Obama Administration.

    It is called Government Dog-Fucker Syndrome. [GDFS] It occurs very commonly among heavily unionized industries like Public School Boards, Transit workers, & City Staff.

    Oddly, the better medical coverage you have & the harder you are to FIRE the more incidents of this syndrome are likely to INCREASE RAPIDLY.


  5. I have a 400 Pound buddy who suffers from the syndrome. He caught it while being a high school teacher and is now stuck at home living on a meagre 80% of working salary for the last 3 years.

  6. Government – ALL bullshit – ALL the time.
    “Intelligence” agencies, my ass.
    Duplicitous purveyors of dis-information, murder, mayhem, provocation, lies, extortion, and propaganda.
    They (and their British counterparts) kept Nazi Major Horst Kopkow, who was responsible for the deaths of some 300 Commandos, on the payroll until his death in 1996.

    They are shameless amoral liars, dissemblers, and provocateurs – criminals of the highest order.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Jethro – Ask the families of the victims of the Tuskegee experiment…

    Don’t forget the human radiation experiments in the 40s performed without consent. They don’t give a flying fig about citizen’s health.

  8. I went with “neurotic, hypochondriac, mass formation psychosis with a side of salary grift” when this drama first erupted, and nothing has changed my mind in the interim.

    These people shit in the halls of their government office buildings, fercryinoutloud.


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