Report: Hillary Clinton Discussing Third Presidential Run With Friends – IOTW Report

Report: Hillary Clinton Discussing Third Presidential Run With Friends

DC: Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is reportedly leaving her options open for another presidential run as the 2020 Democratic primary field begins to take shape.

According to a report from CNN White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny, the 2016 Democratic Nominee has discussed the possibility of mounting a third presidential campaign with friends and confidants and is not “closing the doors on the idea of running in 2020.”

“I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying ‘look, I’m not closing the doors to this.’” Zeleny said. “It does not mean that there’s a campaign-in-waiting, or a plan in the works.”  more here

26 Comments on Report: Hillary Clinton Discussing Third Presidential Run With Friends

  1. Run. Please!

    I can see it now; Kamala and Hillary fighting for the title of First Cunt. One will end up dead.

    It would probably be the only constructive thing Hillary ever did for the country.

  2. Kewl, a beat out never-been politician who’s husband is a disbarred felonious impeached rapist is running for a third time. Good luck with that. We really need to have a national discussion and test concerning mental illness. 30 F’years of this?

  3. Until Hillary Clinton is put in an orange jumpsuit and housed at Gitmo in Cuba, she will still be queen of the Satanic political hierarchy. How many fake doubles will be taking her place to keep her alive and active? Just like the one who took her place at the live TV presidential debates. The Cintons are proven criminals and traitors, yet are not prosecuted, but free to do whatever they want. Being a candidate again shouldn’t even be a possibility. Which proves that known criminals are still running this country, including the FBI.

  4. …Please DO! I’m hoping the stroke you have is captured ON CAMERA this time after our President, Donald Trump, destroys you at yet ANOTHER debate, and leaves you a twitching, writhing bundle of evil pissing yourself in your muumuu as your various medical devices are exposed to the world by your thrashing and sunfishing, hopefully devolving into decerebrate posturing before they chuck you into your Scooby for the last time, as a final sign to the Nation that we can REALLY get this party started.

    THAT would be EPIC…

  5. @tRuth January 28, 2019 at 3:01 am

    > Until Hillary Clinton is put in an orange jumpsuit and housed at Gitmo in Cuba, she will still be queen of the Satanic political hierarchy.

    Then she’ll be the Queen in exile. And you know how much loyal citizens love their distant, persecuted, “soon to return, and make everything thing better” royals in exile.

  6. The “Hillary May Run Again” narrative pops up in the Fake News on about a three-month cycle, usually around something bad for Trump, such as a witch hunt indictment or a Democrat electoral win. Seeing Roger Stone shackled put a spring in her step. What pisses me off is how sure she is that neither her nor her minions will ever be perp-walked.

  7. “I hope the democrats will all bow out and let her run again.”

    …If Hillary runs again it will be more like they will be CHASED out with a meat cleaver, @Mithrandir, given what we know about Hillary’s past “campaign” tactics.

    …After all, she DID kill an actual Kennedy for a Senate seat, so i SERIOUSLY doubt she’d mind arranging a suicide during a plane wreck followed by a mugging for some upstart like Kamalla…

  8. Huh?
    Can you imagine the odor of the inside of that Demonrat Klown Kar?
    My Goodness!
    Jerri-Curl, Fix-o-Dent, scrambled eggs, Preparation-H, rancid Hippo meat, matzo balls, bean farts, Hydrogen Sulfide, bullshit, corruption, stale whiskey, Scotch sweat, Hot Sauce, fetid pustules, long-unbrushed-teeth, long-unwashed-ass, unused Constitution, burning pitch, brimstone, and sulfur.


    izlamo delenda est …

  9. It has now a proven scientific fact that all democrats are aliens from outer space dropped here by Satan because he couldn’t stand to be around them any longer!

  10. …but think of the horrible diseases it would expose our POTUS to during a debate, @Cynic…

    …talk about biological warfare, what a steaming cauldron of infectious waste, staph infections, and social diseases THAT woman undoubtedly is…

  11. Remember the satire children’s book called “Go the Fuck to Sleep”? Someone needs to write one for Hillary: “Go the Fuck to Hell”

    Maybe Dr Suess: You will not be the POTUS here, you will not be the POTUS there, you won’t be POTUS anywhere!


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