Report: Hunter Biden May Have Lied On Federal Background Check Form To Purchase A Gun – IOTW Report

Report: Hunter Biden May Have Lied On Federal Background Check Form To Purchase A Gun

Joe Biden’s second son Hunter Biden may have lied about his drug use on a Firearms Transaction Record he used to purchase a revolver in 2018, Politico reported after obtaining records and receipts concerning the transaction. more

30 Comments on Report: Hunter Biden May Have Lied On Federal Background Check Form To Purchase A Gun

  1. Laws that are flagrantly not applied to the connected have absolutely no moral or ethical legitimacy. That does not mean they will not be applied to others, and that those unfortunate enough to not be connected will not suffer consequences, but as far as what meanings it has regarding how a person looks at their own conduct: They can legitimately claim to have not violated a legitimate law irrespective of any conviction. I will go even further and state without reservation that any judge who convicts any other person for a crime that is routinely overlooked when committed by the connected is a wicked and evil man and a disgrace to humanity as well as to their profession.

    Of course this is lost on the subhuman pieces of shit that are followers of the “progressive movement.” They, having left their birthright behind when they willingly gave up what privileges they gained being created in the image of God and knowingly descended to sub human status when they dedicated their life to serving their dark prince, don’t care about anything but ephemeral power at any cost.

  2. Did we all forget that Juan Williams’ FBI agent son gave him (Juan) a pistol in DC? No consequences.
    Remember the the media maggot who “possessed” a 30-rnd magazine, and displayed it on his TV show (DC or NYC can’t recall which)? No consequences.

    There’s a tiered “justice” system.

    The nihilistic totalitarian cohorts at the top.
    Their families.
    Wall Street and the Filthy Rich.
    Murderous ragheads.
    Negroes of some standing.
    Hollyweirders and “show” people.
    Politically connected though non-family.
    Totalitarian Shock Troops – BLM, ANTIFA, ACORN, &c.
    White People.
    Ghetto denizens.

    Some strata may need tweaking.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Is the evidence ‘widespread’ enough to malign Joe Biden’s hardworking son?

    Don’t let this story distract you from Resident Joe’s noble mission to disarm legitimate Americans.

    Question: would it be ok for illegal immegrants to purchase firearms with their ‘covid stimulus’ money?

  4. May have committed a felony?

    Bullshit – it’s a goddam FELONY. Period.

    Unless Hunter Biden was as senile as his daddy Greezy Joe when he filled out his Form 4473 and plain forgot that he was thrown out of the Navy – dishonorably discharged – for being a flaming crackhead, then Hunter flat out LIED on the Form, knowingly committing a federal felony.

    However, there’s another possibility here. Maybe Hunter was PLAGIARIZING from the other store customer filling out a Form 4473 right next to him. Like father, like son – both lying, cheating, plagiarizing ASSHOLES.

  5. @JDHasty March 26, 2021 at 11:35 am Remember what former FBI Director Comey said when he pronounced Hillary innocent; that anybody else that did the same thing may not be considered innocent.

  6. Uncle Al ʘ MARCH 26, 2021 AT 11:08 AM

    …lying on a federal government document is considered a felony…

    Lying on a 4473 is “considered” a felony because it IS a felony.

    Reality loophole:

    You’d have to be convicted of drug use first before filling out the form for a court of law to be able to act on it. Otherwise it’s just hearsay.

    Same as the other parts like domestic violence. You could have a wife taking a baseball bat to her drunk husband every Friday night, but she can buy all the guns she wants until she’s convicted of domestic abuse.

    I’m sure many people have filled out the form while high because they have a clean record.

    So my question is: Has Hunter been convicted of drug abuse?

  7. Brad, then the records could be used against him. First the convictions, then the actual purchase records. The actual form wouldn’t even be needed at that point because the known requirements are what he violated.

    Getting the purchase records would be the tricky part. Isn’t the BATFE the only agency that can demand them?

    Considering all the records would take Govt agencies to nail him on this – I’m not too hopeful. After all, he’s not a conservative. It would happen in a heartbeat if he was.

  8. Dadof4

    The 4473 is retained at the FFL until that FFL goes out of business, or if the gun was used in a crime. It wouldn’t be that hard to get a copy of the 4473 through legal channels.

  9. Hunter heard that putting a rock of crack down the barrel, placing the barrel against the temple, then pulling the trigger is the fastest way to get cocaine to the brain.

  10. “through legal channels” is my point.

    Is there any other entity besides BATFE that can get them?

    Simple question.

    Bottom line: I don’t trust these entities to do the right thing.

  11. Dadof4

    I’m feelen ya. I think someone like Tom Fitton would need to go through some hurtles. Also, as you know I am an FFL and FFL’s keep redundant electronic records. Meaning even if some Gov super spook agency, or even the DOJ or FBI (LOL) grabbed the paper copies I’ll almost guarantee you the selling FFL still has a copy. There’s actually a service, a couple of them, that will archive your 4473s.
    This won’t be pursued. The media will bury it.


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