Report: Hunter Biden Owns Part of Chinese Company Despite Pledge to Sell – IOTW Report

Report: Hunter Biden Owns Part of Chinese Company Despite Pledge to Sell

Western Journal: Despite White House insistence that Hunter Biden would sever his business ties with Chinese businesses, recent evidence suggests he maintains an indirect connection to a government-linked Chinese company through a firm named for the town of his mother’s birth, according to a new report.

Hunter Biden’s significant business dealings in Ukraine and China were the subject of Senate investigations in 2020. His father, President Joe Biden, said in December that during his administration, his family would have no foreign business entanglements.

Throughout the eight months of the Biden presidency, White House press secretary Jen Psaki and other White House officials have insisted the process of divestment is taking place.

However, a new Washington Examiner report said Hunter Biden appears to retain an interest in one Chinese firm through a limited liability corporation.

The report said Chinese records indicate Hunter Biden owns a 10 percent stake in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management Company. The company is known by the acronym BHR and is co-owned by the state-controlled Bank of China. more

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