Report: ICE Transfers 235 Asylum Seekers to Jails Near NYC – IOTW Report

Report: ICE Transfers 235 Asylum Seekers to Jails Near NYC


Immigration officials in May reportedly dumped 235 asylum seekers detained at the southern border in county jails near New York City.

According to the New York Daily News, the detainees — part of a massive migrant surge from Central America that’s triggered a crisis at the border — were hauled to facilities in suburban Bergen County in New Jersey, and in Hudson and Orange counties north of New York City.

“In response to a surge in border arrivals that began late last year, ICE began using the New York area Correctional Facilities in May 2019 to temporarily hold persons encountered at the southern border who are awaiting adjudication of their cases before the federal immigration courts,” a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement told the news outlet.

According to The News, illegal immigrants released at the border routinely make their first check-ins with ICE in New York. But they haven’t typically been shipped across country in such large numbers.  more here

4 Comments on Report: ICE Transfers 235 Asylum Seekers to Jails Near NYC

  1. Yup GITMO sounds good, if they aren’t willing to wait for the process to get in then they can indulge in a bracing swim to the mainland US. Sharks and barracuda need nourishment too!

  2. “asylum seekers”? alien invaders! FOOK! I am seeking asylum from the madness…….
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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