Report: Iranian-Backed Militia Claims To Have Terror Cells In U.S. – IOTW Report

Report: Iranian-Backed Militia Claims To Have Terror Cells In U.S.

Hmm… Are they in the White House?

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:50 AM PT – Sunday, March 7, 2021

A recently discovered social media post shows a potential terror threat within the nation’s Capitol. One America’s Christina Howitson has more.

PS: Biden Hires Qatari Agent as Senior Adviser

18 Comments on Report: Iranian-Backed Militia Claims To Have Terror Cells In U.S.

  1. No reason to hunker down or take drastic action against the Islamic nazis that have infiltrated and elected this *️⃣President.

    Worry about the proud boys and the enormous threat of the 12 neonazis that roam amongst us.


    Be afraid of them.

    And walls topped with razor wire don’t work.

    Stay scared. Nancy is in imminent danger.


    You people should be torn asunder by wild dogs or bears or something.

    I have lost patience with you.

  2. Iranian-Backed Militia Claims To Have Terror Cells In House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House, State Department, Obama’s house, FBI, Harvard, DOJ, Chappaqua Embassy, CIA, and the New York Times. Well DUH.

  3. Well, that calls for the Carter Solution. Jimmy did get one or two things right — ok, maybe just one.

    He did eliminate the very real threat from numerous Iranian terror cells, but caused a lot of suffering, sending many to their deaths at the hands of the Revolution. Typical of Carter’s actions, then and now.

  4. Iran talks tough but doesn’t do anything significant.

    They’re militarily impotent against us and would be wiped out if they tried anything, they know this so they talk big instead.

    They should either put up or shut up.

    Double dog dare ’em to.

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