Report: It Turns Out the Man Who Shot Three Palestinian Students in Vermont Supports Hamas – IOTW Report

Report: It Turns Out the Man Who Shot Three Palestinian Students in Vermont Supports Hamas

When three Arab Muslim students were shot and wounded in Burlington, Vermont, politicians and the media immediately hyped it as the ‘Islamophobic Crime of the Century’.

6 Comments on Report: It Turns Out the Man Who Shot Three Palestinian Students in Vermont Supports Hamas

  1. The truth doesn’t matter…the headlines and quotes by the politicians are the only things people Will remember. Bernie Sanders: “This is happening all over America.” Really, Bernie? Where?

  2. “the ‘Islamophobic Crime of the Century’.”

    I’m hearing this in Arlo Guthrie’s voice (Alice’s Restaurant).
    Which adds even more comedy effect to the entire story.

  3. The moslems are like the Orcs in Tolkien’s novel… if there’s some non Orc around they all gang up and slaughter the shit out of the outsider, but if there are only Orcs around they’ll slaughter the shit out of one another just for something to do. Sunni and Shia are the two main factions, but there are hundreds of little sub cults in the creed, and pretty much all of them reserve the right to kill the shit out of all the other ones once the outside people have been taken care of. Genuinely the religion of pieces.

  4. good news. this means the hamas supporters are dumber than they appear. reminds me of smollet story or mistaken red/blue kerchief killings in Compton. proves the current administration is on par with the low IQ perpetrator. Darwin definitely at work.


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