Report: J6 Pipe Bomber Was ‘Former’ Government Official – FBI Had His License Plate Number but Refused to Interview Him – IOTW Report

Report: J6 Pipe Bomber Was ‘Former’ Government Official – FBI Had His License Plate Number but Refused to Interview Him

Over three years ago, on January 5, 2021, a suspect planted pipe bombs near the Washington DC RNC and DNC headquarters the night before the January 6, 2021 protests.

16 Comments on Report: J6 Pipe Bomber Was ‘Former’ Government Official – FBI Had His License Plate Number but Refused to Interview Him

  1. So our government went from planning & executing a fake moon landing during the Nixon years, inside jobbing 9-11-2001 during the Bush years, which meant setting up demolitions in several large buildings, to not being able to execute a simple “false-flag” mission?

  2. Can not “prove” it; but have said many times last 3 years J6 was a Bush Cheney FALSE FLAG OP! With GWB’s Roberts American citizens have ‘no standing’;so it will never be proved.

    That liz destroyed hundreds of documents last year TO ME is further “proof” j6 was a BushCheney fuse flag! orange man bad!

  3. Jan 6th was a planned event by DJT. Rally up the troops, rile them up with a fiery speech, then he booked. Yes their were people who worked for the government there, along with off-duty police officers, off-duty firemen, off-duty FBI agents. What did they ALL have in common? All Trump Supporters, every last one of em.

  4. Reichstag fire, anyone?

    “What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.”
    (Ecclesiastes 1:9)

    No innovation.
    No imagination.
    Same as Hollyweird – copy old shit and watch the stupid people fall for it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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