Report: James Comey Ignored Possible Murders by Mexican Cartel Informant – IOTW Report

Report: James Comey Ignored Possible Murders by Mexican Cartel Informant


A high-ranking operator was able to continue climbing the ladder of the Juarez Cartel and supposedly ran a human slaughterhouse while being a U.S. informant. The actions of the former Mexican cop turned U.S. asset in the early 2000s could have been stopped by then-Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Comey who, along with other high ranking officials at the time, did nothing in response. After his time as an informant was done, the man received asylum and moved to New York where he allegedly terrorized and kidnapped a local woman. 

New information revealed that in 2004, Comey was warned about growing concerns regarding an out-of-control Juarez Cartel informant that may have taken part in murders while receiving more than $224,000 from the U.S. government, WFAA reported. Comey, the former director of the FBI, recently tweeted about the use of “Confidential Human Sources” and how they are tightly regulated. However, the case of Ramirez Peyro appears to cast doubt about those controls.  read more

10 Comments on Report: James Comey Ignored Possible Murders by Mexican Cartel Informant

  1. Comey is dirty in may ways, the Mexican Cartel payoffs must have been Huge !
    If any of you read or You tube Benjamin Fulford {Former Forbes guy}, check out July 3rd where he mentions Trump and the new Mexican President coming together Militarily, to nail the Narco – Cabal interests.

  2. Make certain he’s going to do time in a federal facility where he can bunk with former acquaintances that he put there. Happy trails you scumbag!
    Inside a week he’ll be gutted like a trout.

  3. Can we have a review of all his media and partisan political fans that assured us that FBI-man Comey was a non-partisan, stand-up, good egg??

    It didn’t take long, or much digging, for Comey to go from his shit not stinking, to him being an total stinky POS !

    And will his income from book sales be garnished to pay for investigative and court costs?

    And don’t these revelations BEG for a REAL vetting of Mueller’s antics (i.e., FBI career)?!
    (not another breathless endorsement from the career bureaucrats’ fan book)

  4. “the man received asylum and moved to New York where he allegedly terrorized and kidnapped a local woman.”

    when are the government officials responsible for this kind of crap going to be held accountable ?


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