Report: Jeffrey Toobin out at the New Yorker – IOTW Report

Report: Jeffrey Toobin out at the New Yorker

After his pickle was out on Zoom.

Breitbart: Jeffrey Toobin is out at The New Yorker after allegedly masturbating on a Zoom call with colleagues, the magazine’s publisher, Condé Nast, has told staff, according to The Daily Beast.

“I am writing to share with you that our investigation regarding Jeffrey Toobin is complete, and as a result, he is no longer affiliated with our company,” Stan Duncan, Condé Nast’s chief people officer, told staffers in a memo published by The Daily Beast.

“I want to assure everyone that we take workplace matters seriously. We are committed to fostering an environment where everyone feels respected and upholds our standards of conduct,” added the memo.

Toobin was suspended last month after he was caught masturbating during a Zoom call with New Yorker and WNYC radio members. read more

32 Comments on Report: Jeffrey Toobin out at the New Yorker

  1. Toobin claims during the Zoom call something made him recall a scene in Scarface, “say hello to my little friend”, and thought about his own little friend.

    Toobin today advised, “Never out your little friend during a Zoom call. Not everyone wants to say, hello.”

  2. Jeffrey Toobin is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever heard about exposing himself on a Zoom conference call. Given the perilous times that confront the “New Yorker” and CNN, Toobin will be badly missed, inasmuch as now is the time for all Trump hating, Obiden loving, completely biased, prejudiced journalists to pull a Toobin together.

  3. …Toobin replied to the New Yorker with a dick pic, that was verified to be his both because and by the fact that they needed significant zoom to determine that’s what it was…

  4. His “handling” of the situation got him fired. That pic of him says it all, too bad so sad. His expression says “I got my weenie whacked.” 🙂

    One more thing, Tube-in has been doing that short of things long before this event. He is one of many journalists who have a deep side, Tube-in couldn’t control himself, “what’s the big deal” to him. No common sense, poor judgement, why should The New Yorker pay for this schmuck to be on their payroll. Tube-in can go to Fox, I’m sure they would hire him.

  5. Sad news. Ken Osmond, who played Eddie Haskell was also caught doin the Zoomin’ Toobin recently. When asked to explain himself, he said

    I used to Leave It To Beaver to get my rocks off, but Jeff Toomin’ inspired me to take matters into my own hands

  6. From a thread on Thepeoplekaraoke. Jeff Toobin comes clean about himself. From George Thorogood’s “I Drink Alone”

    Each morning just before bedtime
    Dont need no high class whore
    Just we and my gal Rosie Palmer
    That’s all I need to score
    Cause I jerk on Zoom
    Yeah, like nobody else
    Yeah you know when I yank on Zoom
    I prefer to apply myself

    Last night I dined on Beef Strokinoff
    And who perchance did I meet
    Twas that old Slav perv, Jek Mehov
    And his wingman, Ivan Beat-*
    Cause I wank on Zoom …..

    The other day was asked to choke chickens
    And it made me feel homesick
    For my childhood pal, Johnny Pullet
    And his brothers Tug and Dick
    Cause I spank on Zoom ..

    Now the whole damn world’s done shunned me
    And I’m feeling less than grand
    Now the only one who’ll relieve me
    Is that old Yank, Lefty Hand
    Cause I wank on Zoom
    Yeah, like nobody else
    Yeah, you know when I wanked on Zoom
    I concur I defiled myself

    *(-inov, that is)

    More Toobin based hilarity


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