Report: Joe Biden May Mail Millions of Masks to Americans – IOTW Report

Report: Joe Biden May Mail Millions of Masks to Americans

How about bandaids? Can we get bandaids, Joe?
And contact lenses? Tampons?
Why not Pantyliners, diapers, cough drops, soap, medical tape, aspirin, dental floss, vitamin C, D, E.., corrective shoes, a case of water, a case of Rooibos tea, EpiPens, Lysol spray, Fit Bits, Insulin, low-fat yogurt, Digitalis (the drug and the plant), sun glasses, tonic soda…? Fuck you.

Breitbart: President Joe Biden’s coronavirus response team is considering mailing millions of masks to Americans to encourage mask-wearing as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

A White House official told NBC News Biden’s coronavirus response team is evaluating the idea but no decision has been made or proposed to the president.

Biden and top health officials such as Dr. Anthony Fauci remain vexed that Americans are not universally wearing masks.

“Right now, we don’t have complete, full compliance throughout the country of the fundamental public health measures that are necessary to prevent the spread,” Fauci said during a virtual press conference Wednesday.

Biden repeatedly reminds Americans that it is a “patriotic duty” to wear a mask and scolds Republicans for defying his call for all Americans to “mask up” for at least 100 days.

In January, Biden lectured a Texas congressman who told him to “kiss [his] ass” in response to his call for a mask mandate. more

34 Comments on Report: Joe Biden May Mail Millions of Masks to Americans

  1. How about some pristine presidential election ballots – used once in computer processing?

    Used to steal an election and to destroy self-evident truth. Now obsolete due to future elections being unnecessary now that the uni-party is in charge.

  2. @ mickey moussaoui FEBRUARY 4, 2021 AT 6:06 PM

    Return to sender

    The local City Council voted to let the news paper print up advertising and throw them in our front lawns. We collected them up by the truck loads and took them over and threw them in the council members’ and Mayor’s front yards.

    That ended that bullshit.

  3. Our Forefathers fought to the death against the world’s greatest army for our right to be free.

    200 years later, we surrender to a bunch of grade-schoolers.

    What’s it going to take, people???

  4. RogerF – I was thinking more along the lines of chastity belts…………….
    Of course my initial thought was that the government was the group that sent infected blankets to the Indians – oops I guess we have to call them Native Americans now.

  5. “Returnnnn to Sender…ad-dress un-known…no such number…no such ZONE…” – Elvis

    It COULD be used for an alternate to toilet paper when the NEXT crisis hits…?

  6. Dilaudid, send dilaudid. Hunter is sure to have a supply.

    Mike the DeWhiner sent out masks. Made in China of course. We repackaged them and sent them back with note about the country of origin and not wearing defective materials.

  7. @MJA — Instead of all those useful items you list, it would be more in keeping with the spirit of the unsupported assertion that wearing a mask is somehow useful in preventing respiratory virus contagion to include along with the govt mask a govt dowsing rod, a govt rabbit’s foot, and a govt Santeria headless chicken.

  8. Well going by Joe’s math, 6 million flu shots is enough to inoculate 300 Americans. So for every 1 million masks Joey mails, 50 people will receive one.

    Gotta up your game there Joey.

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