Report: Joy Reid Threatened Coworkers With Violence – IOTW Report

Report: Joy Reid Threatened Coworkers With Violence


MSNBC’s Joy Reid allegedly threatened her former colleagues at a radio station with physical violence, according to a Fox News report published Thursday.

Andre Eggelletion, Reid’s co- host on “Wake Up South Florida, told Fox News, “It was a very unhealthy work environment because of her attitude.”

“She attacked me on a constant basis while I was there,” he said. “I was even once threatened with physical violence during a break with her.”

Eggelletion was in charge of assigning Reid to cover news items and when she took issue with an assignment, conflict ensued.

“There was a dispute over it and I told her, ‘Go ahead and call the manager,’” he said.

Reid allegedly replied, “If you ever speak to me like that again I’m coming over there and it’s gonna be me and you.”

Lee Michaels, the national program director for Syndication One, validated Eggelletion’s story. He said of the incident, “It absolutely happened — 100 percent.”  keep reading

8 Comments on Report: Joy Reid Threatened Coworkers With Violence

  1. Those things look cute when they’re little and Tarzan had one as a pet but make no mistake they are dangerous animals and some say they have the strength of 8 men. If you want to view wildlife do it from a safe distance and never but never view them on a television.

  2. I’d like to see her on a boat, a motorcycle, stick her head out of a moving car, anything that involves speed so I can see her tootsie roll neck flop around like jello.

  3. Even if they get rid of No Joy they have hundreds more in a storage unit gnawing on the padlock to get out and torture us with their ugly screaming faces.


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