Report: Katie Hill(D- CA) to Resign amid Allegations of Improper Relationship with Staffers – IOTW Report

Report: Katie Hill(D- CA) to Resign amid Allegations of Improper Relationship with Staffers

Breitbart: Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) will resign from Congress after reports suggested that she had inappropriate relationships with staffers in her congressional office and campaign, according to a report on Sunday.

Politico reported Sunday that Rep. Hill, an openly bisexual member of Congress, will resign from Congress by the end of the week, according to two Democrat sources.

The House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Hill’s reportedly improper sexual relationship with a male congressional staffer, a claim she has denied.

The House adopted new ethics rules this year banning romantic relationships between lawmakers and their staffers, in response to the #metoo movement.

Hill, however, admitted and then apologized for an “inappropriate” relationship with a female campaign staffer on Wednesday. read more

24 Comments on Report: Katie Hill(D- CA) to Resign amid Allegations of Improper Relationship with Staffers

  1. I beg to differ with the pig-pile, but the HEC would have better served this country by booting out Ilhan Omar who is out to destroy America. Who cares if Hill just wants to destroy her puzzy?

  2. Holy Shit!! Cummings replacement on the ov ersight committee? Thank God shes gone.

    link to loony left article bragging how she’s going to investigate Trump. (july 2019) what a hoot.

  3. I’m glad she’s gone. Now, in the name of all that is fair and right how about disclosing all the congresscritters that have paid off their victims of sexual harassment with taxpayer dollars all the while keeping the activity a secret.

  4. Hey Anonymous, lay off other posters, just make your point.

    I defend her point that our overtly Anti-American congresscritters pose a greater danger.

    IMO, from years of observation, ALL congresscritters are dangerous, self-serving and should be term-limited.

  5. Even as Vice Chair she would not have been appointed as the new Chair. A more senior member of the House would receive that appointment; it would not go to a freshman member of Congress. Pelosi is not that dumb (at least in that regard).

  6. This forced resignation is the exception to the rule about politician scandals.

    The only way a Democrat Party politician can be forced out of office is if he is caught in bed with either a live boy or a dead girl.

  7. Katie was overheard in the Break-room saying

    “These Fishsticks are delicious”

    The Caterer responded

    “Those are Bear Claws…Go wash Your galdam Hands!”


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