REPORT: Kim Jong Un Strung Out on Drugs, Addicted to Steroids – IOTW Report

REPORT: Kim Jong Un Strung Out on Drugs, Addicted to Steroids

I know for damn sure he’s strung out on cake.


North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s reckless and unpredictable behavior might be a result of drug abuse, with doctors suggesting his current mental health is a product of heavy steroid use, according to Fox News.

The medical community believes the despot suffers from a serious case of gout; a disease that’s primary treatment includes the injection of high-powered steroids to reduce inflammation and chronic pain.

Kim’s behavior might be a result of the overuse of these drugs, which can cause “roid rage,” or hyper-aggression among certain individuals.


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25 Comments on REPORT: Kim Jong Un Strung Out on Drugs, Addicted to Steroids

  1. Gym Rat here. For a long time. So I know just enough about steroids to get me in trouble. Lot’s of different steroids. Most are pretty benign. Most Allergy medication is a form of steroid. Just sayen the guys a natural asshole. Also, nobodies seen fat boy for a while. Either he’s gone dark or the Chinese have killed him, cooked him and eaten him.

  2. Steroids cause HUGE water retention problems. I’ve been in gyms where guys were bench pressing or squatting the building. 3 Months out from a contest they need to get off the roids. Get lean. Two weeks after they get off the juice they can’t lift shit. TRAINING SMART, TRAINING HARD, IS THE TICKET FOR THE LONG RUN. I’ve been in gym recently where I’ve found syringes and needles in the bathrooms. Young kids buying DBall up from Mexico. They mix this shit up in fucking bathtubs down there. They can’t even spell FDA. Look for reports of young dead weight lifters. Brads Motto, “There are no short cuts”. This is an emerging problem.

  3. Gout is the crystallization of uric acid in peripheral joints. It is caused by a deficiency in uricase and a diet uncontrolled for meat products containing purines which are catabolized into uric acid. In other words, Rabid Fat Pigboy eats like a swine and drinks like a lord (dehydration) so he gets gouty big toes, maybe elbows.

    They very happily feed Pigboy enough to nourish thirty or forty peasants a day. It’s the only way they have to kill him without being tortured to death.

  4. I’ve had a number of steroid injections in my bone on bone knee. I’m diabetic 2, reasonably managed without meds. The injections send my sugar soaring for about 8-9 days each time.

  5. ^Years and years of violent and cruel oppression with excessive forced brainwashing will lead to that sort of thing. The North Koreans are a very abused people, they work 16+ hour days for barely anything, they are constantly starved, murdered, and raped if they show even the slighted sign of an uprising. I have no idea why the majority of people in the western world don’t see THAT as a human rights issue. Screw the muslim countries, NK is the real world tragedy.

  6. Gout has always been called the “rich man’s disease,” due to eating food that’s expensive like steak, lobster, shrimp, and even pork. The nut case also has diabetes in his family and I heard he has diabetes as well.

    “They very happily feed Pigboy enough to nourish thirty or forty peasants a day. It’s the only way they have to kill him without being tortured to death.”

    You’re not far off the mark Vermin Control!

  7. More socialist propoganda. The little evil dictator couldn’t possibly be mad as a hatter. He just has impulses and character flaws the West can relate to. “Operation Sympathy for the Devil”.

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