Report: Laura Ingraham Considering Senate Run in Virginia – IOTW Report

Report: Laura Ingraham Considering Senate Run in Virginia


Conservative talk radio personality Laura Ingraham is eyeing a Senate run in Virginia to challenge Democratic Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, the Washington Examiner reports.

Sources say that several party insiders have approached her with the subject and she is considering it.

Peter Anthony, Ingraham’s business partner, has already snatched up several website domains in preparation for her Senate run, such as,, and

Ingraham did not comment on the rumored run.

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9 Comments on Report: Laura Ingraham Considering Senate Run in Virginia

  1. VA Senators certainly are horrible. I wonder where Laura stands on immigration (eg., for or against the legal/illegal/diversity/refugee/H1 B C D and E invasion).

  2. I”d love watching her tear a new a-hole into liberals in debates, but if we’re going to win, it has to be someone who can do it and still be likeable, like trump and reagan.

    I hate to be a killjoy, but she’s not too likeable.

  3. I agree w stop2… Dave Brat is a superstar. A+ @ NumbersUSA. He invented ‘Cantoring.’ Economics PhD, I expect he is a clear thinker on budget & spending (I like “saving” better) issues. Seems pleasant, firm, nobody’s fool, and with a sense of humor. Now that he’s got some name recognition and experience, he would be formidable. I also think the chicks dig him, which does count for something.

  4. I’m not from Virginia but reading his Wiki bio he does look like an actual conservative in many things. I’d be a little worried though on how much intertwining he see’s between Christianity (particularly Protestantism) and Capitalism. He’s written several books on the issue and I confess I don’t follow some of his ideas on the subject. He is though, anti Big Business/Big Government being in bed together, against the 2007/2008 bailout as well as creating a flatter tax code and eliminating loopholes and the like. All good things. Sounds like a good candidate. The only rider is that he’s stated he will only serve 12 years in Congress so you have to wonder whether if he ran and won the Senate whether he would, more or less, keep his promise by only serving one six year term.

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