REPORT: Locals flee pool After migrants gross them out – IOTW Report

REPORT: Locals flee pool After migrants gross them out

pool dookie

You can read the article HERE.

I’m going to call NASA and ask them what’s taking that comet so long to get here.

20 Comments on REPORT: Locals flee pool After migrants gross them out

  1. awww … that’s so sweet ….. we need to bring more of them into our country

    ….& Donald Trump is crazy for trying to deny them access….

    this is vermin ….look it up …. haven’t you had enough with the feral ‘inner-city youth’? … you want more?

  2. WTF?!?
    What passes for blood in German veins these days?
    Where there no chairs to break the legs off to make clubs?
    No soda vending machines to dispense bottles and cans to swing around in a T shirt?
    No Life rings to lay about with like Samson and the Jawbone?
    These animals understand only the law of Club and Fang
    I suggest application of the club.

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