Report: Madison School Alleged Attacker was a 17-Year-Old Girl – IOTW Report

Report: Madison School Alleged Attacker was a 17-Year-Old Girl

Breitbart: The alleged attacker who killed at least one teacher and one student at Abundant Life Christian School was a 17-year-old girl, according to the Associated Press (AP).

The AP cited their source as “a law enforcement official.”

CNN reported, “The shooter, who is also dead, was a female, according to a law enforcement official.” more

8 Comments on Report: Madison School Alleged Attacker was a 17-Year-Old Girl

  1. She had considered suicide, but found it “too boring”. Another drama queen that wants her 15 minutes before she checks out, and now she’s getting her wish. Assholes like this should be treated like people that run out on sports fields for attention – turn the camera away and don’t give them any acknowledgement.

  2. Other sources give her age as 15. Not that that really changes anything.


    (I know, I know, CBS is not a reliable source)

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