Report: Man Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters Has Been Arrested – IOTW Report

Report: Man Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters Has Been Arrested

Gateway Pundit: On Saturday several freedom protesters were injured by a vehicle that appeared to intentionally ram into a truck and run over at least one protester in Winnipeg. more

23 Comments on Report: Man Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters Has Been Arrested

  1. When the established Gooberment (in)justice system refuses to dispense justice, it’s time for the citizens to dispense proper justice.
    This (failed this time) murderous fat blob a-hole will be let out of police custody some time. And come out of mommy’s basement some time.
    And whenever “he” does, a few hard hearted patriots need to seize “him” and dispense proper justice on his ass. Even to the point of a broken body.
    It would be only “assault with a weapon”.

  2. With the help of Farmers they also have the Montana/Canada border blocked.

    The truckers were all having a good time in what looked like a truck stop they asked an American truck driver how he felt about his and he said, “good.”

  3. “We’re not just going to shoot the sons of bitches, we’re going to rip out their living goddamned guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks.”

    I keep hearing that in my head when I read news stories these days.

  4. Other andytifa soy boys have gotten away with everything.
    This guy probably figured that was still the case.
    Talk about soft looking.
    He’ll be popular with certain types in prison.
    If he gets convicted.

  5. Everything that’s wrong with this country wrapped up in a fat, pudgy, unaccomplished, talentless, dumbed-down, Xanax-disabled, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, perpetually offended, Binky suckin, whining, Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Tri-sexual Leftoid who looks like Rin Tin Tin’s littermate and has the personality of a baked-bean sandwich!

  6. Good example of a libtard:
    can’t control his own stuffing food in his face, but insists he should control the behavior of others.
    We need to quarantine them, permanently.

  7. Now, now, TRF, don’t hold back, tell us how you REALLY feel about this queef blob. It’s not good for you to keep your emotions in, it will hurt you.
    Better to let your emotions out and hurt “HIM”!

  8. It’s been reported that this queef blob is an “anarchist”.
    “He” wants anarchy? In the hands of the proper hard hearted patriots, “he’ll” get more then enough anarchy to make “him” squeal like the little pig that “he” is.

  9. President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight – Dat’s right, I gotta let it out cuz I just can’t works under pressure!

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