Report: Meet The Organization Responsible For Pride Rainbows All Over Your City’s Sidewalks – IOTW Report

Report: Meet The Organization Responsible For Pride Rainbows All Over Your City’s Sidewalks

Mary Rooke/Daily Caller

Americans are noticing that their sidewalks are turning into the left’s coloring book.

Every year around Pride Month, public streets maintained with taxpayer money are painted with symbols of progressive ideologies. The movement is not an organic explosion of “inclusivity” but rather a city’s admission that it adheres to a secret project pushed by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a left-wing organization.

Noah Wall, executive director at State Financial Officers Foundation Action, investigated the HRC’s tactics that brought companies like Target and Budlight to kneel at the progressive alter and found that our hometowns are also victims of the same manipulation. more

24 Comments on Report: Meet The Organization Responsible For Pride Rainbows All Over Your City’s Sidewalks

  1. @Different Tim:

    Slippery when wet hazards is all they are.

    Well, that’s not all they are, but they sure are that. It might be worth considering putting your (rental, of course) car into a skid and take down something like a light pole¹ and then suing the crap out of the town. Wouldn’t want to hurt yourself or anybody else, of course.

    1. If you could get one with a red light camera that would be sweet.

  2. I go out of my way not to drive over pride sidewalks. The city of Spokane just reopened the Post Street bridge after a complete renovation of an extremely old bridge that took 3 years to complete. Unfortunately, the only way to access it is to drive over the fag rainbow sidewalk in front of Riverfront Park, so I will avoid it even though the new Post Street bridge is an easier way to get to the North side of downtown. I also avoid the other fag sidewalk in the Perry district on the S. hill where all the trendy liberals gather together. It used to be a great neighborhood, now it’s become progtard central which I can’t stand.

  3. Not understanding the whole “pride” thing. Up until ten years ago, gender dysphoria was a recognized mental illness. The people who suffer from it should neither be proud nor have cause to celebrate their sickness.

  4. “Up until ten years ago, gender dysphoria was a recognized mental illness.”
    And then a faggot pres.
    Does that make Mike the First Manny, Ladyman,………?

  5. @Irate Nate – it’s about indoctrination. They want kids – white kids in particular – to feel guilt, based solely on external indicators (skin color, family, wealth, etc.) Then they offer the opportunity to be proud of some part of themselves, if they will only change their sexual and ‘gender’ preferences they will be celebrated instead of chastised. What insecure kid would not want that, to be celebrated instead of isolated and shamed???

  6. one month for the devotee’s of anal and oral sex and pederasts. one day for men and women who have put their lives on the line for this country. what a really screwed up country we have.

  7. This is also about the ability to control the masses.

    If one is solely focused on themselves and how the world sees them, they never look beyond that. People with mental blinders are open season for the WEF types.

    Combine this with removing any type of schooling that requires reasoning, and you get a generation of simple minded morons that can’t see beyond their noses.

    I hope we can get out of this, but it will either require effort on our part, or the Lord to say ‘enough is enough’ and put an abrupt end to it.

  8. As Norm MacDonald make abundantly clear: Pride? What are you proud of anal sex, rug munching or males performing fellatio on other males??
    WTF does PRIDE have to do with sexual orientation?? Or disorientation?

    What has become unavoidably noticeable is ALL things about AMerican society have become downright STUPID. Everything is being infantilized, celebrities are openly moronic or disfunctional (and devoid of exceptional talent). Television, movies, literature, advertising, politics….. GITFaway from me!

  9. Thanks to the professional “activist” economy, we’ve blown right past general acceptance of gays/lesbians, legalization of gay/lesbian marriage, right into the huge overshoot of celebrating faggotry and brainwashing kids to be easy victims for paedos and anti-population cult child mutilators & sterilizers.

    The NGOs have to go. They’re are the primary vector of the pervert fascism that is sweeping the country. Pro-faggotry, pro-criminal, pro-totalitarian, anti-human, anti-family, and anti-American all the time now. And most of it driven by hordes of screeching, brainwashed, low IQ women, faggots, and blacks.

  10. Perhaps a large black hole dead center (shaped like an asterix *) in the middle of the gay pride sidewalks made with a stencil spray painted in rainbow colors saying insert pecker here. And a fast car with non-visible license plates to get away quick afterwards.

  11. People in my neighborhood are constantly complaining about the road (which is pretty bad) but I prefer potholes to pride murals. Maybe I should refer to them as prideholes.

  12. Sodomy Sidewalks and any abd all public displays of Sodomy symbols or “celebration” are illegal in Russia. Maybe one reason the (((owners))) of the Demshevik and Recucklicon party hate that nation so much

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