REPORT: Mexico & Latin America Most Dangerous Places in World – IOTW Report

REPORT: Mexico & Latin America Most Dangerous Places in World

American Lookout: As Democrats relentlessly oppose building a border wall because it is “racist,” a risk analysis company released a report that shows that Latin America, led by Mexico and Guatemala, is the most dangerous area in the entire world.

Verisk Maplecroft reported:

Latin America has been named as the world’s highest risk region for violent crime, due to the widespread prevalence of drug trafficking organisations (DTOs), kidnapping, extortion and robbery across 11 countries, including in its four largest economies, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia. The findings come from new research released by risk analytics company Verisk Maplecroft, which evaluates the risks to populations, business and economies from violent crime in 198 countries. 

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7 Comments on REPORT: Mexico & Latin America Most Dangerous Places in World

  1. I recently returned from a vacation in Mexico. I felt safe but then again their police force wear full body armor, carry full auto rifles, a semi auto side arm, three extra 30 round magazines for the rifle and Kevlar helmets.

    What I didn’t see were snowflakes protesting anywhere.

  2. I would Live in Mexico, before I would even visit Syria. Mexicans don’t want to kill you, Just avoid 10% of Mexico and you’ll have a great time.
    Where they to make a zone map of Mex , you’de be amazed at how easy the Bad parts are to avoid. CLUE – It’s all the Ugly places you wouldn’t find if you tried…Borer areas excluded- most of us fly over them anyways.

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