Report: Mitch McConnell Was ‘Exhilarated’ That Trump ‘Committed Political Suicide’ On January 6 – IOTW Report

Report: Mitch McConnell Was ‘Exhilarated’ That Trump ‘Committed Political Suicide’ On January 6

Political Insider

Mitch McConnell reportedly said he was “exhilarated” that Donald Trump had “totally discredited himself” just hours after the Capitol riot on January 6th.

This, according to excerpts from a new book titled, “This Will Not Pass,” obtained by the Washington Post.

“I feel exhilarated by the fact that this fellow finally, totally discredited himself,” the anti-Trump Republican Minority Leader McConnell told New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin, one of the book’s authors.

“He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger,” the Senate Minority Leader allegedly said at the time. “Couldn’t have happened at a better time.” more

21 Comments on Report: Mitch McConnell Was ‘Exhilarated’ That Trump ‘Committed Political Suicide’ On January 6

  1. In the second Trump term, Mitch was high on the list of swamp creatures to get exposed. That’s why The Turtle is glad he is gone, and will do whatever he can to see he doesn’t come back.

  2. You think you’re exhilarated NOW, Mitch, just WAIT ’till your first day in Hell when you feel that first flame start licking your withered, scrawny cracked ass.

    Hopefully, soon.

  3. There’s a ton more just like Mitch the Bitch. Elected and non elected permanent fixtures. That’s why it’s gotta be Trump in 2024. He needs to kill it with fire to make it safe for any one else worth a shit to run.

  4. Why would ever Trump run again, if he knows that the swamp rats are still out there? Would he subject himself and his family to another 4 years of their disgusting tactics?
    McConnell is just one of many swampers, but unknown others would remain.

  5. Brad
    APRIL 27, 2022 AT 2:08 PM

    “I guess we should just pack it in and learn how to speak Mandarin.”

    …even THAT is not ultimately an option.

    Han Chinese are very, very racist.

    It’s TRULY a big club that you ain’t in, and never CAN be unless you too are genetically Chinese.

    If they take over everything, gweilos like us can expect nothing but genocide from them, regardless of learning their lingo.

    The McConnells and Bidens of this world do not understand the stakes, as their status as useful idiots keeps the Chinese carefully, seemingly obsequious in their dealings.

    But once their usefulness is ended, they will die with the rest of us.

  6. The reality is that most Rs in the senate are not going to buck McConnell. And as long as McConnell wants to be in the senate, he will.

    JD and Greitens are great candidates and maybe along with Cruz, Hawley and Rand Paul might pry some power away from Mitch…might. If DJT is reelected in 2024, these 2 are going to have to come to some kind of truce and that’s going to be a bitter pill for both of them.

    Another fact is Mitch keeps the cash coming in for his crew. It’s a sad fucking state. These assholes go into politics for all the wrong reasons and anyone thinking we have representation in DC is whack. There’s just too many John Cornyns in that bunch right now.

    And don’t get me going about coconuts like the 2 dried up crunts from WA. Lord. If Greitens wins, MO, hands down, will have the best combo in the country.

  7. Brad, I really think it (Covid etal) was Agenda 21 being implemented despite Trump being in office, not “because” Trump was in office. His unawareness of it made it more possible.

    They said it (destruction of America and the West) was coming and it did. Right on time. They just had to cheat harder in the election than they planned. Thus exposing themselves even more.

  8. I would like someone to explain to me what voting is going to fix? Any state gotten rid of these machines counting votes? Not that I’ve heard of, which means in red states the most likely outcome is RINOS will win the primaries. In blue and purple states democrats will win in general elections and just like for years, the GOP knowing they cheat will do nothing about it. Hell half the time running is nothing more than a money scheme itself.


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