‘Report’: More coming out of the whistleblower clown car – IOTW Report

‘Report’: More coming out of the whistleblower clown car


[…] Speaking to the Daily Beast, House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) refused to comment on the veracity of the news outlet’s report because “people can reverse-engineer who whistleblowers are.”

Schiff, whose conduct amid the impeachment probe has received the formal condemnation of 109 Republican congressmen, previously made false statements regarding his panel’s contacts with the initial so-called “whistleblower.”

Not only has Schiff’s credibility been called into question, but so has the so-called “whistleblower.” The Washington Examiner reported Thursday that the officer, said to be a registered Democrat, worked with then-vice president Joe Biden while serving in the White House. Equipped with only secondhand information, the officer alleged President Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into allegations of corruption against Biden and his son, Hunter. Both presidents have denied any pressure was applied and the White House published a transcript of the world leaders’ call to dispel allegations of wrongdoing. read more

7 Comments on ‘Report’: More coming out of the whistleblower clown car

  1. This whistleblowing stunt is like watching a toothless drunk eat a corn cob.
    It’s sad and funny at the same time.
    Does Schiffty not see how obvious this is? He overplayed this. No one cares but the media and hollywood.

  2. The Democrats – that girl in high school who got dumped by the popular guy.
    She spreads rumors, writes him letters he doesn’t answer, dates his friends to try and make him jealous, tries to kill his new girlfriend. lol.

    Get over it! You’re embarrassing yourselves!

  3. MJA — LOL! Good analogies!

    I’m a puzzle-solver. I especially like jigsaw puzzles. There is a satisfying ‘click’ when a piece snaps into its rightful place.

    Breathtaking as Schiff’s and Biden’s colossal nerve has been throughout all of this, it does prove just how hands-off, how utterly protected by the D.C. insiders, they thought they were. It’s a real study and a real reality check to us who only thought we knew how evilly corrupted D.C. is. China and Russia have got nothing on our federal gov’t (present president, excepted).

    Now Chris Wray has got to go!

  4. The funny sign on the reader board in the Spokane Valley just off of I 90 now reads, For once I’d like to see 25 cars come out of a clown. That would be a neat trick but they would have to be Hot Wheels. Or a very big clown stuffed with 25 Smart cars.


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