Report: More than 92,000 Clark County NV mail ballots returned undeliverable in general election – IOTW Report

Report: More than 92,000 Clark County NV mail ballots returned undeliverable in general election

Just The News-

The Public Interest Legal Foundation says that tens of thousands of mail ballots in Clark County Nevada were returned undeliverable to incorrect or outdated addresses during the 2020 general election contest.

“Clark County 2020 General Election data show that 92,367 mail ballots were returned undeliverable to wrong or outdated addresses, according to records disclosed to PILF,” the organization reported, noting that Joe Biden won the state of Nevada by 33,596 votes. more

11 Comments on Report: More than 92,000 Clark County NV mail ballots returned undeliverable in general election

  1. And we’re all supposed to still believe the nutcase won the election, yeah right. 🤨 Wonder why they have erected the wall around DC? Cause eventually they are gonna push too far, in my mind they did that year’s ago

  2. Nevada has such a transient population of people who move to and from Nevada repeatedly. This 92,000 is an undercount. How many more ballots were simply accepted by the new homeowner rather than returning it to the post office?

  3. If I were in charge all the voter rolls in every state, county and city would be purged and the only way to register to vote would be in person at the courthouse with valid ID.


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