REPORT: Mueller Files First Charges In Russia Investigation – Who Do You Think It Is? – IOTW Report

REPORT: Mueller Files First Charges In Russia Investigation – Who Do You Think It Is?

DC: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 U.S. election has resulted in its first indictments, according to a new report.

CNN reported Friday night that Mueller has filed charges in sealed indictments. It is currently not known what the charges are or who they have been filed against, but CNN reported that multiple people could be facing charges.

Those affected by the indictments reportedly may be taken into custody by as early as Monday.  MORE

64 Comments on REPORT: Mueller Files First Charges In Russia Investigation – Who Do You Think It Is?

  1. CNN? Possibly fake report. Each of these tactical leaks is illegal. More reasons to dismiss/replace Mueller for mismanagement.

    Mueller under pressure to show “results”, take a hostage, and leverage to coerce false testimony against Trump. Dirty old prosecutorial game.

    I’m hoping PDT has an actual game plan here, and that he’s not being led along to Deep State slaughter with assurances that this will all just blow over.

    Incredible that Rosenstein etc are still there running DoJ.
    Incredible that PDT has not created a separate Special Counsel specifically for the Obama-Clinton crime empire.

  2. I don’t have a clue, but I’m very nervous about it. I just don’t trust Mueller to have used his power honestly or judiciously and wouldn’t be surprised at all if PDT was included.

  3. It will be Manafort, the only play that even seems remotely possible is trying to get him for money laundering from what I’ve read. Of course it has zero to do with Russian collusion. Obstruction of Justice is the only other play I see, but that is major league flimsy. But then they nailed Scooter Libby for it when he used the same defense the Clintons and other Democrats employ “I don’t know.” and “I can’t recall.”

    Regardless, if there is a Grand Jury indictment, Trump should consider all bets off and throw everything at Obama, the Clintons, Podestra and everyone under the sun. Tell Sessions if he won’t do it, he is fired and he’ll bring in somebody who will do what needs to be done.

  4. You’re right, Here comes the judge, but all they want in the immediate future are hancuffs and frog-marches for Trump people, who will suffer through show trials for months, be found not guilty or have charges dismissed, and then, like Ray Donovan, ask, “Where do I go to get my reputation back?”

  5. Rightwinger – The is exactly what Mueller is hoping for. Anything done now will be considered retaliation. Its why Mueller leaked yesterday. He needs to get something out therefore Uranium One, etc, hit the fan.

  6. Manafort,he was told he is a target when they raided his home with a no knock search warrant.He is a hired gun,paid to lobby on behalf of his client.This was done out in the open.Colluson is NOT a crime,there is no law against it.Somebody has to be charged with something to justify the millions being spent.Think Scooter Libby..committed no crime and they knew it.

  7. lol PHenry, we are all citizens of Realville here, and It’s funny how Mueller, or CNN, or whoever, dumped this teaser on Friday afternoon when Mayor Limbaugh had gone home for the weekend.

  8. I think it’s a pretty safe bet that Mueller is going to do whatever is best for Mueller at this point.

    It’s musical chairs now in official Washington and the chairs are disappearing.

  9. Whoever it is, you can be sure of this:

    If they are connected to Trump, the indictment will be the lead-in story for the next three weeks. The subsequent acquittal will be mentioned once. At 3:25AM. On a Saturday. Only In the news crawl. Three seconds before a commercial break.

  10. Ask yourself a question.

    Why did Mueller, at age 72, get back in the game? He left with his reputation intact. Why is he doing this?

    Do you suppose that this is about him picking up the pieces from the original Uranium One investigation after Obama and HRC told the FBI to bury it? That both he and Rod Rosenstein know how this whole thing stinks to high heaven, and are maybe, just maybe, trying to save the FBI and the Justice system?

    The Clintons have been a major tumor on our justice system for a generation.

    Is it possible that Mueller could be the hero in this?

    So my guess based on this wild speculation is Huma Abedin. You can’t just go straight for Hillary. You have to squeeze her first.

  11. A lot of good guesses here in Commentville. At this point I don’t have any idea what Mueller is going to do. Had he been honest and doing his job he would have announced months ago that there was no evidence of Russian/Trump collusion to install Trump in the WH but he seemed to have just kept growing his investigation into areas that weren’t in his pervue. The bothersome thing to me is after months of secrecy and tactical leaks he announces warrents then doens’t name the charges or the accused. The next step will be in-camera trials.

  12. not likely Manafort as he will bring Podesta deeper into it. it will be someone who Mueller can leverage against Trump.

    Mueller himself is up past his neck in the russia conspiracy, he is dirty. it may be a crime unrelated to russia. personally I hope it is McCain the sh!tstain.

  13. Someone in the FBI. Maybe Comey.
    If it was someone Trump related (manafort, etc.) they’d have said it on Friday and not dragged it out. It’s one of Mueller’s own.

    Wouldn’t it be some shit if he indicted himself? LOL

  14. Mueller’s agenda….is it equal justice or partisan political games.

    Thus far I’ve seen little that gives a direction. The cynic in me looks to partisan political games by a partisan political hack who chose partisan political hacks as his investigative team.

  15. Whoever is in charge of granting, obtaining or the failure of getting the license for the “legal ” transfer of the uranium,out of the U.S.They did not have it.
    My Pick, Flynn,Manafort Eric Trump Jr,Kushner.

  16. If it’s a Trump person the war has just intensified and DJT better double his security guys. That’s a clear sign too many assholes are about to get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Including Mueller. If it’s a DOJ, FBI, or Clinton staffer then we are winning.

  17. Muller is attempting to divert attention from his part in Uranium One and other crimes.
    It’s possible there will be no arrest. The initial report said there ‘may’ be an arrest.
    If in fact there is an arrest I would guess Podesta.

  18. Hey everyone. Tell you what. I’ll fall on the sword for whoever’s indic(k)ted. I’ll go (a)head first with my mouth agape.

    What? What’d I say? Some of you are more dirty minded than my two daddies!

  19. “I am far too jaded. This is about Trump collusion, not Dems, so I guess he’ll go after poor lil’ DJT, Jr.”

    That my actually kick off the Civil war they’ve been trying to start. He’s Pheasant Hunting in Iowa right now with a bunch of Military/Special Forces friends. They may not want to try and arrest him there.

  20. Mueller’s into it up to his eyebrows – so it’s probably the guy who can finger him and he’ll get a deal with a gag order attached (no, not like that).

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. It’s been Leaky McLeak Leak since Election Day but no leaks about who what and why?

    I keep thinking it Don Jr. too because they all know how important DJT’s kids are to him.

  22. I still say if they charge one of Trump’s kids, they will be getting the war they ask for.
    Trump is the President he has the power to discover and reveal where all the bodies have been hidden for years.

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