Report: Mueller’s Team ‘Not Getting What They Want’ From Paul Manafort – IOTW Report

Report: Mueller’s Team ‘Not Getting What They Want’ From Paul Manafort

Daily Caller – Prosecutors with the special counsel’s office are “not getting what they want” from Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman who entered a plea agreement in September in hopes of shaving time off his prison sentence for tax and bank fraud.

ABC News reports that Manafort is providing much less information than Robert Mueller and his stable of prosecutors in the special counsel’s office initially expected.

Manafort has met with prosecutors nearly a dozen times since entering a plea agreement on Sept. 14, just before the start of a second trial on charges related to Manafort’s lobbying work in Ukraine.

As part of the plea deal, Manafort agreed to provide information on a “broad” array of topics. It has been unclear whether Manafort was providing information about President Donald Trump, Trump associates, or other matters.

The ABC article, which is based on anonymous sources, does not make clear whether Manafort has failed to provide information that he promised to share with investigators, or whether he merely has failed to meet the Mueller team’s expectations.

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s lawyers for the Russia probe, told Reuters on Oct. 22 that Manafort’s attorney, Kevin Downing, had revealed to him that Manafort is not providing information that implicates Trump. Manafort has maintained a joint defense agreement with Trump.

If Manafort is deemed uncooperative, that could stymie his hopes of getting a lighter sentence on his Aug. 21 conviction in Virginia on bank fraud and tax fraud. Manafort’s plea agreement would cap his prison sentence to 10 years.  more here

5 Comments on Report: Mueller’s Team ‘Not Getting What They Want’ From Paul Manafort

  1. Manafort is a pretty sharp man, very plugged into the Swamp, has been for decades. His hummahumma tap dancing is probably infuriating Mueller and if Bob thinks Paul is going to turn on his lifelong bud, Roger Stone, by making up bullshit, he’s nutz.

    Fact is, political dirty tricks are Stone’s lifeblood and using Assage’s email leaks to take Hillary down certainly had the effect he wanted. Getting Manafort to implicate Roger in the release of those emails and hence tie it to Trump looks like a dead end.

    These charges against Manafort are nothing more than a cudgel. These very same charges could be leveled against numerous others in DC but Manafort was selected for prosecution for one reason, to get President Trump. It won’t happen, but I would pay a dollar to see Trump pardon Manafort.

    Fucking disgusting horrorshow.

  2. One of my favorite movies is the old car chase / robbery film Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry with perennial dickbag Peter Fonda circa 1974.

    In the final stretch of the movie, our anti-heroes are screeching and drifting their lime green 69 Charger through a maze of orchards while being pursued by a police helicopter.

    I won’t give away the ending, which was broadcast as a memorable clip during the intro of The Fall Guy, but the helicopter runs out of fuel and is unable to pursue. However, the Sheriff keeps yelling out streets and quadrants in the maze for his phantom units to setup roadblocks in hopes that the suspects – who are listening in on a cb radio – would run themselves ragged, out or crash before they make their getaway.

    This is that. Don’t bite at the end since this is all he’s got. Nothing.

    Same thing with Fake News reports about indictments coming down against Don, Jr., Mueller’s gonna this, that or that other…blah, blah, blah.

    If he had it, he would have done something with it already.

  3. What they want is an excuse, any excuse, to interfere with an actual Republican administration that’s really done nothing wrong except allow the lefties to show their ass.
    And a bang-up job they’re doing at that!


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