Report: NFL Losing Its Core Audience – IOTW Report

Report: NFL Losing Its Core Audience

Breitbart Sports: The National Football League is quickly losing its core audience marking a shift that could bring an end to the sport’s dominance, a new poll finds.

The WSJ/NBC poll found several things that should worry the NFL both for its near and long-term future. For instance, in the short-term, fans are paying less attention than ever to the NFL. But, more worrisome, in the long-term, parents are increasingly discouraging their children from playing football over concerns over the sport’s safety. The latter would tend to create fewer football fans into the future.

The effect does not seem to be localized, either. Fan interest in the NFL has dropped across the various demographics, including in the crucial growth demo of young males, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“The drop in interest spans age groups and the political spectrum—painting the picture of a sport that isn’t just experiencing a momentary dip, but a battle against fundamental questions about football’s future that have been building for years,” the Journal wrote.

On the heels of a contentious season, fans seem to have become fatigued by the NFL on a myriad of levels:  more

38 Comments on Report: NFL Losing Its Core Audience

  1. Is this ‘report’ meant to be taken seriously? No mention of the 800 pound gorllia in the room… unless I missed something… the ‘players’ on their knees. Excuse me… I meant to say taking a knee. My bad.

  2. Kneeling is a sign of submission.

    I’m expecting something tomorrow…The National Anthem

    over/under two minutes is a huge Vegas bet…So I’ll assume

    they show it..If these idiots kneel…It’ll kill Season

    Ticket sales…Which will then affect Salaries

    Killing the Golden Goose is a huge pastime of Libtards

  3. As Scott Adams predicted the teams with kneelers failed to make the Super Bowl.

    Concussion discussion has dominated for the last 3-4 years, not at all surprising that parents are now directing their kids to other sports. Of course the kneeling controversy hasn’t helped.

  4. The NFL owners have to have a “death wish”! How else do you explain signing the America hater Goodell to a $200,000,000 salary plus what may be another $100,000,000 in “benefits”/perks?!@#!$%?!

    He is the biggest of the reasons their viewers and attendees have been down 2 straight years.

  5. Professional football will eventually go the way of professional boxing. There was a time when every boys youth group, Catholic church, high school and college had boxing programs. This produced lifelong interest in boxing and supported professional boxing as a premier American spectator sport. Boxing suffered decades of negative press and when virtually all of the youth programs dried up, professional boxing suffered as a result. The selfsame thing is happening to football. The negative press about its dangers, the loss of youth programs, the loss of participants in the youth programs that still exist. Parents want their kids to play soccer now. There are fewer and fewer kids every year that will grow up to have any interest in professional football. The NFL just sped up the whole thing by spitting in the eye of anyone that still has a mild interest in their product.

  6. Anyone else see that Jeopardy episode last week where none of the three contestants knew a single football answer in the entire category?
    I didn’t know any of them either, but for some strange reason I usually know most of the baseball answers.

  7. @BadBrad. Time zone issue. It’ll be 1830 here and dark. It must be strange for the Superbowl to come on at 1530. Daylight.

    It’s supposed to be a snotty day, rain, wintry mix.

  8. @BCattin – I stand corrected. Well partially. Here are 2 Scott Adams tweets:

    And a recent article:

    New England and Philly definitely part of the kneelers early on, but they stopped.

    Regardless, NFL is the big loser. Also, Philly – there will be riots there win or lose, and won’t be in Boston win or lose.

  9. Because the NFL/BLM ijuts are so effin stupid, it would do no good to tell them I used to tune in for ENTERTAINMENT value and entertainment value only. Finally figured out why they get on their knees: To look their intellectual equals in the eyes.

  10. Damn… Comet is running an “Andromeda” marathon, instead of MST3k tomorrow night. Now I’ve NO idea what I’m going to watch. My “Sherlock!” DVD’s, if I had to guess…

  11. As I went through a Division 1A college, I realized how MANY resources went toward student athletes:
    *Free tuition, room & board (which is more than tuition)
    *High coaching salaries
    *Training rooms
    *Practice fields
    *Transportation to/from games

    It’s just FLAT-OUT RIDICULOUS. College should be about academics, and advancing society out of its many troubles. If you want to participate in sports, the PROFESSIONAL TEAMS can subsidize their free farm teams, not the tax-payers.

    What a scam.

  12. The “N”FL telegraphed their contempt for white male American fans when they started playing games in Londonistan and Meh-eeco. Guess they were gambling that our sovereignty would be lost and they wanted to get a head start as the WorldGovernmentFootballLeague.

    Pretty stupid bet to take when America is the only country to this game (not futbol).

    That the owners and players assume that fans would play along with their insulting attitude taking us for granted, is more than enough reason to burn their entire league to the ground.

    Buhbye jackasses!

  13. I usually root for whoever is playing against the Patriots, but my wife’s side of the family are big-time Cowboys fans, so I can’t root for the Eagles. That on top of all the social justice virtue signaling, plus the fact that I have never kept up with football to begin with, make this particular Super Bowl unwatchable.

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