REPORT: Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years – IOTW Report

REPORT: Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years

Breitbart: Not a single 8th grader at the I Promise School LeBron in Akron, Ohio, a school founded by LeBron James, has passed their state math test in three years, and critics are blasting the school for its unkept promises.

When LeBron James dropped into Akron with great fanfare and media coverage in 2018, promising to fund a new sort of school to help educate young people in his hometown, many hailed him as just the savior the city needed. But did James’ “I Promise” school fulfill its promises? Test scores are showing that it hasn’t.

Now, even Akron school board members are beginning to question James’ commitment to actual education and wondering if it was more about burnishing his reputation as a philanthropist than a serious effort to reform and reinvigorate education. MORE

40 Comments on REPORT: Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years

  1. “Not One 8th Grader at LeBron James’ I Promise School Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years”

    …so he succeeded in what he set out to do, then.

    They’re playing on his level.

    …HE never needs to count higher than 3 after all, why should anyone ELSE?

  2. Everyone who enrolled at the school went there to play bas’ikball. There’s no standards for education. Let’s be real.

    Just like if Eazy M’fukkin’ E or Dr. DRE or 50 Cent started a school for rappers it would be the same thing.

    They supposta get edumacated on how to hit it big, “Rock star, Big House, 5 Cars.” LeBron ain’t know for his maff.

  3. Lebron is a moron just like OJ was. If they both hadn’t been very gifted athletic jocks neither would’ve amounted to anything ever. It’s too bad that Howard Cosell is gone, Howard would’ve had a heyday criticizing Lebron as an idiot and a moron.

  4. “Not One 8th Grader…Has Passed State Math Test in 3 Years”

    That headline is repeated all over the ‘net. Always we’re told no one has passed in three years.

    Then, in some of the accounts, there are a few more details:
    — None of the group of kids has passed the math exam since 3rd grade. — The group is about to enter the 8th grade this fall.
    — So they all failed in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades.

    If you can count, that means it has been FOUR years since any of them passed the math test, and it looks like a lot of newsies aren’t much more numerate.

  5. This school was supposedly founded because LeBron pushed for it – but he doesn’t contribute any money to it. In fact it is just another public school within the district, although perhaps it has a unique mission. Which obviously isn’t working.

  6. A Teacher asks LeDummy about a Book in his hand that the class was discussing and just like his whole life he answered , ” I just started reading it.”

    In other words, He still hasn’t done his homework.

  7. In the antebellum South, the Democrats in charge made it a crime to teach a slave to ‘Cipher’in order to deprive them of the mental tools they would need to survive if they escaped the plantation.

    I’m sure they quite enjoy having true believers like LeBron take care of that for them.

  8. LocoBlancoSaltine AT 1:35 PM

    …you left out looting, raping, and murdering practice with live unsuspecting victims, demanding reparations 101, Advanced Arson, and required reviews of LeBron game footage.

    Pretty full day, actually…

  9. There I go again getting rejected and now banned by your spam filter after writing some satire. It just doesn’t pay to get creative with vocabulary considering the software that you guys have no control of. (From my cell phone)

  10. LeBonehead’s only concern is staring into a mirror as often as possible, admiring his image he considers perfection. Textbook definition of a narcissist.
    Education has never been a priority for him. How could it be. He was probably a terrible student who never passed any of his tests – too stupid. Just promoted because he could play basketball well enough to get scholarships.

    These hoodrat black students education is being neglected by their ignorant Democrat voting parents and certainly at this prop school they’re attending.
    Why should LeBonehead, a tool of the Deep State have more concern for these kids education than their idiot parents?
    The school is just a grifting enterprise and the students will be even dumber when they graduate.

  11. God will Judge each of us, according to how we lived our lives.

    Keep that in mind,
    so you won’t stand too close to LaBrown as the End draws near.

  12. The NBA likely does not impress God. AT 5:16 PM
    “God will Judge each of us, according to how we lived our lives.

    Keep that in mind,
    so you won’t stand too close to LaBrown as the End draws near.”

    …you’ll be all right.

    HE is pretty precise.

    You COULD say PERFECTLY precise.

    “40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.”
    Matthew 24:40-41


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