Report: NY Gov. Cuomo Tells Black Church Jews Can’t Dance – IOTW Report

Report: NY Gov. Cuomo Tells Black Church Jews Can’t Dance

“I want you to know as a matter of full disclosure, I am a Catholic. Catholics basically believe the same teachings that Baptists believe,” Cuomo said at Mount Neboh Baptist Church, according to the Post. “We just do it without the rhythm. But we try. We are not as without rhythm as some of our Jewish brothers and sisters.”  —Daily Caller

19 Comments on Report: NY Gov. Cuomo Tells Black Church Jews Can’t Dance

  1. …… so, if I offended anyone let me assure you that I what I might or might not have said, was taken out of context. After all, everybody knows I employ both ‘Kikes and Hymies’

  2. Exactly MJA. If Ted Cruz went to a black church and said that, CNN and MSNBC would be running 24/7 roundtable sessions where the hosts would demand Cruz resign for being an anti-semite.

    In the real world, we could care less. In Liberal land, its all that is needed for Faux Outrage.

  3. Our church has partnered with a local Messianic (Jewish) congregation on services and other events several times. They certainly can dance! But it’s a graceful, artistic dancing, not like someone having a seizure which seems to pass for dancing in modern times.

  4. Yeah … Obola was the “tap dance kid.”
    Fred Astaire, Ray Bolger, Gene Kelly, and Jimmy Cagney – rolled into one.

    Fuck you, Cuomo – you ain’t no Catholic, neither – nothing in the Catholic Doctrine advocates the murder of the innocents.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Not a surprise. Today’s useful minority will be discarded in the future like cold potatoes when a population of voters with more potential comes along. I’ve seen it time and time again here in the (formerly) “Golden State,” where Dem state politicians more than once have put out feeler bills to see if they can limit Asian/Asian-American acceptance into universities for the sake of “diversity.” A majority (someone correct me please if I’m wrong) of Japanese descent still vote Dem. I think most Korean- and Vietnamese Americans vote Republican, while, I think, Chinese-Americans vote 50/50. Clearly the sweet talk of “We love you; we really, really love you!” sadly resonates with a number of Asian Americans. The truth behind the sweet talk is far different.


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