Report: Obama administration purchased thousands of vehicles not utilized – IOTW Report

Report: Obama administration purchased thousands of vehicles not utilized

DML: The Government Accountability Office has released a report recommending that federal agencies improve processes to identify underutilized vehicles in the government’s fleet of nearly 450,000.

From fiscal years 2011 through 2015, federal agencies spent in excess of $1.6 billion to purchase approximately 64,500 passenger vehicles and light trucks which cost an average of $25,600 each. Ninety percent of those vehicles were purchased by five departments—Defense, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Justice, and Interior—and those departments spent approximately the same percentage of the associated funds.

In fiscal year 2015, federal agencies spent approximately $3.4 billion to maintain and operate their government-owned vehicles.

The GAO study sought to identify federally owned vehicles and examine the processes for assessing their utilization. Three agencies were reviewed in the study—Navy within DOD, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) within DHS, and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) within USDA—with the goal of determining if vehicles were utilized during fiscal year 2015.

The Navy determined that all of their 3,652 vehicles selected for review were utilized by applying criteria for mileage and individual justification of vehicle use.

According to the report, “CBP did not determine if 1,862 (81 percent) of its 2,300 selected vehicles were utilized in fiscal year 2015 even though the vehicles did not meet DHS’s minimum mileage criteria.”  read more 

16 Comments on Report: Obama administration purchased thousands of vehicles not utilized

  1. Little kick-back to Barky’s UAW buddies. I can’t wait till Carson starts digging around at HUD and tells us how much of our money was wasted scooping up houses in quiet neighborhoods and subsidizing the ghetto rats with 8 kids to move in.

  2. When you understand that whenever there was an opportunity to spend $1,000.00 the Obamboozler spent $10,000.00 in his relentless quest to Cloward-Piven the United States into weakness, then it all makes sense.

  3. I inquired with my county sheriff about a fenced parking that had 80-100 brand new Government Motors SUVs, most of them black Tahoes and Yukons, some with some sort of emblem on the sides. They sat there for months.

    He said he wasn’t aware of them, never gave me an explanation, but they vanished shortly after my inquiry.

    Because of the distance I couldn’t make out the emblems.

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