Report: Obama’s Kenyan Family Has Disowned Him – IOTW Report

Report: Obama’s Kenyan Family Has Disowned Him

obama kenyan family


[…] According to a Kenyan news outlet, the president’s family has now entirely disowned him. One of his more vocal critics, his half-brother, Malik Obama (son of Barack Obama Sr), maintains that Obama is not actually the son of Barack Obama Sr. Malik’s evidence:Barack looks and behaves nothing like Obama Sr. Most likely, Malik claims, the president was born of an affair between his mother Ann Dunham and communist poet Frank Marshal Davis—a conspiracy theory that has circled around for years.

“Obama resembles his step father, Frank, in many ways and is just a liar and mean like him. It is possible his mother messed around to give birth to him because his definitely not the son of my father, Barrack Obama senior—they have nothing in common,” said Malik. MORE 

h/t C Steven Tucker

14 Comments on Report: Obama’s Kenyan Family Has Disowned Him

  1. I’m with Anon. That crap don’t fly. The Kenya Obamas can get bent if they think they’re gonna disown him and dump him on us from now on. Un Uh, he’s yours and you get to take his useless ass back and be responsible for him in his “golden years”! “You People” knew him and knew what an albatross he was, but yet you sat over there in your little mud huts and didn’t say a word while he was lying and manipulating the morons in our electorate into letting him become the so called “Leader of the Free World”! You could’ve spoken up and spared the entire world the inconceivable misery that is the result of his presidency, but no, you let it happen because you thought that you would all get rich and have stuff like indoor plumbing and automobiles and “air conditioning”! Well it serves you right that he didn’t even think about helping lift you out of poverty, because he’s dragged half of us down into poverty with you! Ok, well maybe not quite “with you”, but considering this was the most free, prosperous, and the wealthiest nation in the history of mankind, and now we can barely afford to eat meat, or see a doctor if need be, or any number of life’s simple privileges that we as Americans had established as easily obtainable or accessible to all… yeah, ya’ll screwed us when you kept your greedy mouths shut instead of warning us! So, as we say in America, “F&#% You Obamas”!!!

  2. They’re just pissed that he hasn’t sent them some money and his brother is still living in a hut. This kind of thing happens all the time when a member of the family comes into fortune and fame. There’s no room for the Kenyans in Obama’s life.

  3. Took them long enough. Sane Americans disowned the pathological lying, solipsist at the beginning of the longest 6 years, ever.

    So, that is why his presidential library won’t be in his homeland. They don’t want anything to dirty their country. Interesting choice, Chicago, but makes sense. Most corrupt, lying, disgusting presidential library, in Chicago.

  4. Obama’s Kenyan father had a second white wife with whom he had a son. The son Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo looks like Obama’s twin. Check out his picture on google. Therefore I doubt the Frank Thomas idea that he is actually Obama’s father.

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