Report: Oklahoma Woman intentionally provided a firearm to her dementia-suffering mother, suggesting she end her life – IOTW Report

Report: Oklahoma Woman intentionally provided a firearm to her dementia-suffering mother, suggesting she end her life

GP: An Oklahoma woman has been charged with murder after she gave a gun to her mother with dementia, who used it to commit suicide.

Jaye Dee Watts, 44, has been charged with felony murder by a caretaker and kidnapping in the death of her mother, Lynda Watts, 72.

Lynda Watts died on September 10 at her home in Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma City Police Department said that Jaye Dee Watts “intentionally provided a firearm to the victim, which prompted the victim to take her own life.”

Dillon Quirk with OKC police told local station KOCO that the daughter “suggested that she take her own life, and very sadly, she did.” more

9 Comments on Report: Oklahoma Woman intentionally provided a firearm to her dementia-suffering mother, suggesting she end her life

  1. I know/ knew o few people that were diagnosed with dementia and some with other very debilitating conditions. They all were well off financially and “A” type personalities.

    They hung themselves in the basement and went out while they were still themselves.

    I won’t judge.

  2. My mother had Alzheimer’s. I guarantee that if she had had the resources and tools, she would have happily ended her own life rather than exist in the mind she had until the end. Sadly, far too many believe that they or their agent in the government, should decide how one lives or ends their own life. Suicide, whatever you personally feel about it, is the ultimate form and measure of self-ownership. The same who are happy to have the government decide that someone’s life should be taken from them for a crime, fear the slippery slope so much that they refuse to allow others the right to seek out assistance in ending their own lives. Had this women killed someone else, I would indeed want justice for this woman’s daughter. In this case, I too would love to sit on her jury. I have infinite sympathy for the horrible place our government places both the victims of Alzheimer’s/dementia and their loved ones in.


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