Report: Pelosi Got Idea to Withhold Impeachment Articles by Watching Fake News CNN – IOTW Report

Report: Pelosi Got Idea to Withhold Impeachment Articles by Watching Fake News CNN


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi got her brilliant idea to withhold the articles of impeachment from the Senate by watching Fake News CNN, according to a report in Time magazine.

Breitbart reports that the Time article,tweeted by Byron York, states:

Pelosi, according to an aide, had been mulling the tactic since she heard former Nixon White House counsel John Dean float the idea on CNN on Dec. 5. In the committee meeting, she added that she believed McConnell would be motivated to move. “Somebody said to me today that he may not even take up what we send. [But] then [Trump] will never be vindicated,” she said, according to the aide in the room. “He will be impeached forever. Forever. No matter what the Senate does.”

The following day, Pelosi presided over the floor vote on impeachment, wearing a striking black suit to project solemnity, accessorized with a large gold brooch of the Mace of the Republic, a symbol of the House. When scattered cheers broke out inside the chamber after the first article was approved, she sternly and silently shushed them with a glare and a sharp gesture. After the vote, she announced that she did not plan to transmit the articles right away, saying she could not determine how to appoint House impeachment managers until the Senate decides on its rules for the trial.


10 Comments on Report: Pelosi Got Idea to Withhold Impeachment Articles by Watching Fake News CNN

  1. Interesting. I get two opportunities to quote VDH today. I don’t remember when he said it — in the past year, definitely. He said that the Democrat party takes their entire platform from popular culture manufacturers: media, including Hollywood and wackadoodle theories from far left academics. That’s just how bereft of any original thinking or even an anchor in their own party’s ideology, they are. The Democrats are very literally behaving like a downstream “follower” on Twitter or FB. I’m surprised they haven’t sponsored a bill to Save Kony!

  2. The GOP (McConnell) and the Whip has to be absolutely positive they have the GOP Senators in line. The case for the President has to be tight, focused and easily understandable by any American. Whoever is chosen by the GOP to represent the President has to be very smart, image positive and be able to think quick on their feet and argue effectively. This is a once in a lifetime chance to massively damage the Dems and set their agenda back decades as well as to expose the rich and powerful lefties (including the ones running the show from behind the scenes) to exposure and destruction.


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