Report: Planned Parenthood Gives Teens Sex Change Hormones After 30-Minute Consult – IOTW Report

Report: Planned Parenthood Gives Teens Sex Change Hormones After 30-Minute Consult


Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has increasingly been providing what the left calls “gender-affirming care” for people who believe they are transgender — and in the case of at least one teen, a clinic allegedly supplied him with sex-change hormones after a 30-minute consultation, the Washington Free Beacon reported this week.

The teen, whose parents asked the publication to call “Fred,” is an 18-year-old high school student in New Jersey who was diagnosed with autism at age four and struggled with anxiety and depression as he got older, according to the report. Reporter Aaron Sibarium noted that like many individuals on the autism spectrum, Fred “cycles through obsessions and extreme views.”

“Still, Fred has a few interests that have remained constant throughout his life, all fairly typical for a teenage boy: guns, power tools, and metalworking,” according to the report. “That made it all the more shocking when, in December 2022, at 17 years old, he announced he was a transgender woman. The revelation came a few months after Fred’s best friend, who also has autism, began identifying as transgender.”

Fred’s parents, worried this was another phase, enrolled him in the Gender and Autism Program at the Children’s National Hospital, which is the only clinic of its kind in the United States that focuses on autistic youth. MORE

13 Comments on Report: Planned Parenthood Gives Teens Sex Change Hormones After 30-Minute Consult

  1. The revelation came a few months after Fred’s best friend, who also has autism, began identifying as transgender.”

    It’s called influencing. Once the kid discovers that he no longer has a working penis, TSWHTF as we’re seeing so many of them do. I feel nothing for any of them – not even sorry. God does not make mistakes.

  2. PP is an evil, criminal enterprise. It needs to be shut down and all it’s assets RICOed.

    It will never happen because they are too heavily connected with that other organized crime syndicate, the DNC.

  3. PP received $1700 for every abortion from the swamp.
    Likely they also get paid for “Gender Affirming care”.
    PP is in 193 countries.
    In 2019 received $617 MILLION in Govt funding, plus the money for dead baby parts.

  4. Anonymous Saturday, 7 October 2023, 12:33 at 12:33 pm

    Goldenfoxx doesn’t believe in love thy neighbor.

    A neighbor doesn’t commit vile acts against their neighbor. God is not mocked. I don’t love myself all the time either. 🙂

  5. This is all part of the movement that says “What goes on in your head is your truth, your reality…if you think you are a bird, it’s OK, it’s your reality”.

    This BS may have started, or at least gotten a boost from Aldous Huxley, who took LSD and wrote a book about it, called the “The Doors to Perception”, or some such thing. It’s where the 60’s psycho R&R group The Doors got the name, and maybe their inspiration.

    The idea is you take LSD and you gain perceptions and uncover truths about yourself and the universe. One girl, Art Linkletter’s daughter, got the belief that she was a bird after taking acid, and tried to fly off a multi-story building somewhere, probably in LA or Hollywood. Ended up a big splat on the sidewalk.

    This is really sick stuff we are up against, folks.


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