Report: President and Co-Founder of Smartmatic Indicted in Massive Bribery and Fraud Case – But DOJ Hid This In Their Press Release for Some Reason – IOTW Report

Report: President and Co-Founder of Smartmatic Indicted in Massive Bribery and Fraud Case – But DOJ Hid This In Their Press Release for Some Reason


Four men including the President of Smartmatic were indicted on Thursday in a federal grand jury for bribery and fraud related to the electronic voting system.

In a press release on Thursday, the Department of Justice confirmed that between 2015 and 2018, Roger Alejandro Pinate Martinez, 49, a Venezuelan citizen and resident of Boca Raton, Jorge Miguel Vasquez, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Davie, Florida, funneled around $1 million in bribes to Juan Andres Donato Bautista, 60, the former Chairman of the Filipino Commission of Elections (COMELEC). more

6 Comments on Report: President and Co-Founder of Smartmatic Indicted in Massive Bribery and Fraud Case – But DOJ Hid This In Their Press Release for Some Reason

  1. The Smartmatic guys must have f—ked up and let the wrong guy win an election where Soros had money on the other guy. If so, indictments are the least of their problems.

  2. FUNNY;
    Hunter Biden, representing the Biden Crime family, received $ MILLIONS bribes from Numerous Countries paid to obtain and retain business with the US Government. PAID $MILLIONS for Access to Joe BIDEN and Contracts with Federal Agencies.
    Money laundering through off-shore accounts and LLCs.
    WHERE is the DOJ? WHERE is the FBI? WHERE is Justice?
    Not to be found in the 3rd World Socialist Democrat Agenda they’ve created.
    Not to over use the word, BUT this is SHAMEFUL, the Bidens are Shameless.

  3. First time I click on this site and I get a full-page redirect or veritable replacement page (the “back” button wasn’t even functional) telling me to update my browser — in short, pernicious advertising.

    Do better.

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