Report: President-Elect Trump Called Family of Slain Texas Cop – IOTW Report

Report: President-Elect Trump Called Family of Slain Texas Cop

President-Elect Donald Trump reportedly paused to call the family of assassinated San Antonio Police Detective Benjamin Marconi on Monday.

Dane Gregory Marconi posted a message on his Facebook page saying he had received a phone call of condolence from President-Elect Trump, according to News4SanAntonio. The San Antonio NBC affiliate reported the post was shared by a woman on Facebook who identified herself as a San Antonio Police Crime Scene Investigator, Annie Patterson Campos, shared the message on her page. The post has since been removed, the NBC affiliate stated.

“Just got off the phone with the future president Trump, he sends his condolences to our family,” Marconi’s son reportedly posted. The post reportedly had 500 shares and hundreds of likes before being taken down.

Steve Weiss, director of research for the Officer Down Memorial Page, tweeted a link to a San Antonio Express-News article and said, “President-Elect @realDonaldTrump calls son of murdered @SATXPolice Detective Benjamin Marconi to offer condolences.”

The San Antonio newspaper confirmed that Dane Marconi is the son of the late Detective Marconi.

Breitbart Texas reached out to Mr. Marconi to see if any other elected official had reached out to offer condolences. No response was immediately available.

Detective Marconi’s Twitter account reveals the father and grandfather was an openly gay officer who actively supported the President-Elect during his campaign. In August 2016, the detective tweeted out one of Trump’s campaign ad videos and said, “Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.”

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22 Comments on Report: President-Elect Trump Called Family of Slain Texas Cop

  1. Thank you, God. You heard our please for mercy and kept the left from stealing the election.

    And thank you, God, for President Trump (Forget this President-elect crap – HE IS OUR PRESIDENT!)

  2. In his defense, Obumbles would have called…if the police officer had killed the black perp.

    Let’s all pray for the family of the slain officer and that Obumbles will stay away from his funeral.

  3. We asked to be delivered from evil. Enough of us did to have our prayers answered.
    An imperfect president? Yes. A much better president?
    No question. Thank you God. Now please protect him.

  4. Thank you to you and your family Detective Marconi, for making the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you President elect Trump for your kindness and recognition to the family which will help them traverse many difficult days ahead because you cared.

  5. Trump proves he has class. As BMO says, “we all know the history of white cops and black men”. I’m sure that explains why the president didn’t’ call. If we jhad ust given them 40 acres and a mule this cop/blackman problem would never have occured.

  6. Pom pom Abigail here to say that he is exactly the President I expected him to be. I didn’t listen to over a year’s worth of rallies, interviews and FB videos for nothing. He holds law enforcement and first responders and the military in the very highest regard.

    (Stay strong and united everyone. The latest effort of the corrupt media is to divide and conquer us as we argue about nit-picking details and rumors of admin picks. Unless you hear it straight from the President-elect’s mouth, don’t believe it. It’s fun to speculate, but we need to stay united.)

  7. I’ve read reports of another officer getting ambushed today. Not sure it’s legit because I haven’t seen it on anything I consider legit. If you’re a CCW that practices his craft you need to start watching people in blue. They’re at a tactical disadvantage. Everyone knows who they are. Using a gun proficiently is an acquired and perishable skill. This shits not going to stop for a while. Even after BoRock is long gone.

  8. Thank God he lived. Perp black, really. I’m not a racist honest to God. But this is getting all to predictable. I guess this is what Obama was striving for. I hope he’s happy with the ultimate out come. It won’t be pretty. And beleive me I have a reason for saying that.

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