REPORT: Radical Environmentalism Could Kill Millions Of People In Poor Countries – IOTW Report

REPORT: Radical Environmentalism Could Kill Millions Of People In Poor Countries

Daily Caller: The grim irony of the pursuit of “green” energy is that it may be placing millions of people in poor countries at risk of living much shorter, unhealthier lives due to air pollution, according to a report from The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).

Climate change has become an international issue, and environmental activists have painted the situation as increasingly dire. In order to escape the world-changing effects of climate change and avert catastrophe, humanity must break its dependence on fossil fuels.

“To avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we need to keep the world’s remaining fossil fuels in the ground,” Greenpeace’s website explains about the group’s “Keep It In The Ground” campaign. “That means moving away from coal, oil, and natural gas, and towards a renewable energy future.”

The aim, unfeasible as it is, would actually cause more deaths from pollution as countries in the beginning stages of development are left stuck, unable to progress through the stages of the “energy ladder” that lead to less carbon emissions and a higher standard of living, according to the GWPF report released Friday.

 The energy ladder refers to a series of steps and evolutions that countries have to go through in order to reach high stages of development. The ladder starts with burning the worst polluting substances and moves to increasingly cleaner energy types such as natural gas and electricity.  read more

20 Comments on REPORT: Radical Environmentalism Could Kill Millions Of People In Poor Countries

  1. The radical marxist, socialist and communist scaremongers wish to fundamentally change the world to save humanity….. at the same time killing the unborn at alarming rates.

    There’s no limit to evil.

  2. Even in places like Ghana, Nambia, and Equatorial Ginuea, where people still walk around in loin cloths, they are more indoctrinated with the global warming hoax than brushing their teeth and avoiding lions and not drinking water from the puddle the just pee’d in. Its bizarre.

  3. Even in places like Ghana, Nambia, and Equatorial Ginuea, where people still walk around in loin cloths, they are more indoctrinated with the global warming hoax than brushing their teeth, avoiding lions, and not drinking water from the puddle the just pee’d in. Its bizarre.

  4. The aim, unfeasible as it is, is to impose upon the earth a permanent bureaucracy in charge of deciding who wins and who loses, who succeeds and who does not, who lives and who does not.
    The ulterior motive is to use starvation as a weapon to secure permanency of their own supply of food and luxury goods for them and theirs

  5. Virtue signaling is all about the signaler. They never actually care about the harm they do to others, the important thing is they have loftier thoughts than you.

  6. Lefts are one dimensional thinkers. The never consider the unintended consequences to their actions and when they do cause unintended consequences they believe the solution is more of the same.

  7. grayjohn,
    Do you mean the use of DDT? Or the banning of DDT?
    The banning of DDT, with the subsequent rise of mosquitoes and malaria has killed more people than the actual use of DDT (which I believe is zero, or close to it).
    Rachael Carson could not be reached for comment, as she is currently residing and burning in hell.

  8. You mean rich (I mean rich) people, who are smaht enough to uderstand the real (I mean fo really realz) ramifications of anthropomorphic climate holocaust, aren't going to buy the gift of free "green" energy fo po folk? Oh, and planet Earth, of course. Just like Al Gore?

  9. Not so “ironical” if measured against the (general) totalitarian belief that there are just TOO MANY DAMNED PEOPLE!
    The poor maggots of the Third World (Africa, Asia, South America) are easier to dispose of than the wealthier maggots of the Second World (Europe, Russia, Balkans) and much easier than the amazingly wealthier maggots of the (so called “capitalistic”) First World.

    So, take em in turn.
    Kill the easiest first, the easier (or less difficult) second, and the more difficult last.

    This has been the “Plan” since the 1910s “Euthanasia” Movement, the Abortion Movement, and the systematized eradication of “undesirables” championed (and more or less perfected) by Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Meanwhile all of the old growth Forests in Virginia are being

    cut down and shipped to England…To burn as Biomass Fuel

    You can’t make this sh*t up.

  11. ‘may have killed 20 million children.’

    Only the beginning … only the beginning.

    Kids are the easiest to kill. Very few of them are armed. And they die sooner when deprived of food and water. THAT’S why they’re targetted.

    izlamo delenda est …

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