Report: Ronna McDaniel Hired RNC General Counsel With Inactive Law License – IOTW Report

Report: Ronna McDaniel Hired RNC General Counsel With Inactive Law License

Ronna McDaniel’s Tarheel State Loser

John Kane Substack

[…] Outside of working as a law clerk to a judge, Michael Whatley has never practiced law. He has never argued a case or filed a brief. In fact, his law license was inactive from January 27, 2017, to May 23, 2023. That means for 84 days, the General Counsel of the RNC was practicing law without a license.

Michael Whatley has election integrity expertise in the same way that Katie Hobbs, Brad Raffensperger, and Ruby Freeman have election integrity expertise. In my run against him for NCGOP Chairman, I got an up close look at Michael’s effort to protect the ballot. more

h/t Loomer

13 Comments on Report: Ronna McDaniel Hired RNC General Counsel With Inactive Law License

  1. We’ve been saying the Party’s dead for years. Now, the only person who could resurrect it is Donald J. Trump. Otherwise, it’s done. Stick a f̶o̶r̶k cattle prod in it.

  2. The RNC is nothing more than a business that has goals that are different from that of those who call themselves Republican. One goal is to bring in money so their officers and employees get paid. Other than that, it doesn’t seem to care much.

  3. Do you really need a law degree to dispense with law advice?
    I don’t have a law degree, but I can give out law advice all day long.
    And you can even pay me for that advice.
    Now… may not be GOOD advice.
    My advice may even get you into trouble if you attempt to follow it.
    Admittedly, if you want to WIN at whatever it is that you’re doing, you MAY want to get your law advice from someone with an active law degree.
    BUT….if you don’t care about winning or losing (i.e., GOPe RepubliTard RINOs), does it matter who you get your law advice from?
    (all of the above said with tongue firmly planted in both cheeks, plus a (/s) tag)

  4. ^^^^^^^

    Go check out her resume. She doesn’t have the work experience to be my office manager. In fact in the private sector she’d be slightly above minimum wage. I’m not joking.

  5. Brad – I’ve said for years that a lot of people, especially Politicians, go to work for the guvmint cuz they wouldn’t make it in the Private Sector!
    Itz the path of least resistance for these frikken worthless deadbeats… and bums ALWAYS take the path of least resistance!!

  6. “bubbling vat of ineptitude” – Harry Eyeball

    red tide of corruption
    bed pan of government immorality
    bucket of political lies and half truths
    washing machine full of stinky McShitstain’s underwear
    sack of gutless slugs
    bottle full of Republican parasites

    (Thanks for the inspiration, Harry Eyeball!)

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