Report: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals There Was No Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Them – IOTW Report

Report: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals There Was No Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Them

Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation.

GP: “Maricopa County election officials engaged in numerous breaches of Arizona election law in their handling and custody of ballots, making it impossible to conclude that the vote tallies reported by Maricopa County accurately reflect the votes cast by Arizona voters,” contends the lawsuit.

Kari Lake’s team of expert attorneys have gathered evidence from signed witness testimony, Runbeck whistleblowers, and Maricopa County whistleblowers to craft a 70-page lawsuit against Maricopa County and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs.

Included in the complaint is a shocking claim by a Runbeck employee that nearly 300,000 ballots were delivered to Runbeck on Election Day with no chain of custody documentation.

Maricopa County is the only jurisdiction in the country that picks up completed ballots at USPS Processing Distribution Center but doesn’t bring them back to the election department or tabulation center. Instead, Maricopa County picks up mail-in ballots and takes them directly to its print vendor Runbeck Election Services, which is headquartered in Phoenix.

The Gateway Pundit has reported on Runbeck’s services in Maricopa County. The County has still not provided all chain of custody documents from Runbeck and USPS for the 2020 election.

The scanning of ballot envelopes takes place behind closed doors and apparently with no documentation. more

13 Comments on Report: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals There Was No Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Them

  1. The fallout of the Republican establishment enabling the King/Pierce Democrat machine to steal the Washington 2004 gubernatorial election and install Gregor is that so many of the formerly reliable Republican voters simply no longer participate in the election. Yet, the Bellevue Boys Club is still running the Washington State Republican Party.

    They hand picked Dan Newhouse. There isn’t a one of the worthless fuckers I would trust to operate a toilet plunger and hand a guy a clean hand towel. They can’t even hold seats in Districts that were considered “safe” for generations.

    Where I’m going with this is that is what listening to the Republican establishment gets you.

  2. IDK, Kari Lake is on the rampage and she’s said all along that if there is obvious fraud she’d never quit fighting it.
    Sometimes the white hats, with God’s help, win.

    Watch and pray.

  3. If the GOP, at any or ALL levels, doesn’t see reason to fund an investigation and support Kari Lake, is there ANY reason left to support them ???

    If America is supposed to function on a two-party system, which is the non-DNC/MSM party ? There is none.

  4. Been more than a long time since I watched fox sundays. Was way back in wallace times when last watched.
    Looks like not much has changed.
    Still uptight, panty twisting, money grubbing turds looking for scare tactic scams to fleece and grease suburban moms into joining clubs and funding stuff.

    So funny to watch play out.
    Not sure if they realize we notice now?
    Some of us noticed a ways back, and kept records.

    In case they try to deny.
    Which we, of course, already know they will do in advance.

    The Farmers Tales of Sophistry
    New Yawk Edition

  5. A month-back my cousin’s step-mum basically earnt $2,900 just sitting there twelve hours a week in their apartment and they’re best friend’s mother-in-law`s neighbour has been doing this for nine months and easily made more than $12,000 part-time from their laptop.
    Apply the instructions on this site… w­w­w.P­r­o­f­i­t­G­u­r­u­7.c­o­m

  6. Update and Correction to the Official Record.

    Later viewing of an earlier aired but too early for first aired view. Whew.

    The First segment of Maria Bartoromo with the DNI in charge at the time this stuffs was going down was what I am now talking about.

    Please update your memory banks with this update regarding some fox sunday spinners.

    Her spin rang true with all that proof on top too.

    Look for links for Maria interview of DNI Ratcliffe.
    It was that good that I think the DOJ has some splainin to do.
    Some splain that gots nothing to dos with todays.
    It’s Yesterday once more.
    And on the truth record.

    Merritt Garland is a traitor if he does not say something now.
    For the record.

  7. More proof that the liberal mantra is “win by any means necessary”. Their strategy for winning even goes as far as killing or jailing opponents and whistleblowers (Hillary, et al).

    Since their mission is to Save The World, nothing will be allowed to stop them. There are enough terrified people to support their evil goals.


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