Report: Russia Planning Naval Exercises in Caribbean Sea – IOTW Report

Report: Russia Planning Naval Exercises in Caribbean Sea


Russia is preparing to deploy combat vessels in the Caribbean Sea during the summer as part of aerial and naval combat exercises, an anonymous United States official told Reuters according to a report published Wednesday.

Reuters stated that the naval exercises will put Russian warships and long-range bombers in the region and will likely include port calls in Cuba and possibly Venezuela, Russia’s closest allies in the region.

The exercises would be the first conducted by Russia in the Caribbean region since 2019, when the Russian military sent the Admiral Gorshkov warship to Havana and a Russian air force plane to Caracas. more

13 Comments on Report: Russia Planning Naval Exercises in Caribbean Sea

  1. The Russians better not give Cuba missles that can hit the United States again!

    …you know, like WE gave the Ukes missles…that can…hit…the…Russians…

  2. don’t believe in coincidence. solves the problem of not being able to hit the southern tip of florida without a bomber refuel. what a cluster the u.s. leadership has created. need one of our branches of government to step up and put a stop to the nonsense. wont happen, better to plan for the worse.

  3. Mach 27 missiles.
    Shitpants can’t shuffle one step in the time a missile leaves a submarine torpedo bay off the Outer Banks and hits his podium.

  4. @ Left Coast Dan

    You beat me to it. I was going to say that those Russian sailors are lucky. Many people would give their right arm to cruise the Caribbean.

  5. @SNS

    If I recall correctly from reading about the Cuban Missile Kerfluffle many years later, the then Soviets claimed that the US had missiles at bases in Turkey, aimed at the USSR. If so, the question becomes what the Kennedy’s and Defense Department were so worked up over. They put the world on edge for a couple of weeks with billions expecting a nuclear war to erupt any second.

    I have not delved into the Soviet claim, so it could have been BS, as were a lot of things they claimed for their communist experiment.

    I am surprised that the Russian forces are planning to visit Cuba and Venezuela. What for? I can’t think of any benefit Russia would get from visiting such socialist hell-holes. Those countries are weak and pose no threat to the US, so why make allies with them if it is once again a matter of the US vs Russia?

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