Report: Staples Refused to Print Business Cards for ANTIFA Attack Victim – IOTW Report

Report: Staples Refused to Print Business Cards for ANTIFA Attack Victim

National File:

Charles Downs became the subject of a viral video when he and his fiancé were assaulted by ANTIFA while leaving a protest in Washington D.C. shortly after the 2020 election. A video of the ANTIFA attack was shared millions of times on social media and was the subject of a quote tweet from then President Trump. Most recently, office giant Staples refused to make business cards for Downs, citing “code of ethics” violations.

Downs and his fiancé were attacked by far-left radicals while walking through “BLM Plaza” in Washington D.C. Downs was just one of a few thousand of Trump supporters who attended a peaceful protest aimed at election integrity earlier in the day. As the sun went down and Trump supporters were leaving the rally, far left radicals were given free rein on the streets. Dozens of Trump supporters, including Downs, were attacked while D.C. metro police watched on. more

9 Comments on Report: Staples Refused to Print Business Cards for ANTIFA Attack Victim

  1. Why isn’t this the same as refusing to bake cakes for faggots?
    Are they a company that allegedly “serves” the public?
    (owned by Sycamore Partners – put them on the list)

    Where’s the AG on this?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Exactly how many Office Supplies do AntiFucks Buy?

    Do they sell Molotov Cocktail Kits now?

    Buy an Ink Tank printer & never have to rush out during your kids last minute Homework Assignment again!
    Best Move I ever made. $$$$$$$


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