REPORT: State Dept. Officials Suffered ‘Complete Mental Breakdown’ From Afghanistan Failure – IOTW Report

REPORT: State Dept. Officials Suffered ‘Complete Mental Breakdown’ From Afghanistan Failure

Aw, how sad for them. Yet, still- they won’t resign in protest or complain publicly.

Daily Caller: The disorganized process of attempting to get Americans and other allies out of Afghanistan led many within the State Department to suffer a crisis of mental health, according to interviews with employees conducted by Politico.

One State Department official told Politico that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was “extremely demoralizing,” noting that the “experience broke a lot of people.”  The official said the department was “inundated by personal requests to help specific people” but remained “powerless to do anything” to help.

Staffers described being “manic” or suffering “a complete mental breakdown” while the chaotic withdrawal unfolded, with consistent U.S. failures taking their toll, Politico reported.

17 Comments on REPORT: State Dept. Officials Suffered ‘Complete Mental Breakdown’ From Afghanistan Failure

  1. The lying cocksuckers are trying to appear concerned about what they did to innocent human beings when their only concern is that the American people fully understand their motives were to please their dark prince by increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death

  2. Τhουsαηδs οf Λmεrιcαηs αbαηδοηεδ bγ τhε Sτατε Δεραrτmεητ το τhε Ταlιbαη, bυτ τhοsε Sτατε Δεραrτmεητ αρραrατchικs αrε τhε rεαl νιcτιms hεrε, gυγs.

  3. Why dontch’a cry me a tear the size of a fucking horse turd. These cocksuckers had absolutely no compunction doing what they did and have absolutely no remorse for the innocent human suffering, misery and death they are responsible for. It comes as no surprise to me that they would try and garner sympathy. The progressive movement is a Satanic cult populated by sub human pieces of shit. Sympathy for what they have done to themselves is out of the question, I don’t even have pity for the fucking pieces of shit, indifference to their plight is the best I might be able to muster, but at this point I hope any of this that isn’t just theatrics designed to trick others into believing they have any remorse is magnified ten thousand or more times and they live out their lives in misery.

  4. I thought mental illness was a job requirement for the State Department. Secretaries Clinton and Kerry, who in their right mind would work under such inept and evil clowns. Blinken is just as bad, just not as well known.

  5. @Anonymous NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 10:21 AM
    “This pull-out was setup by the former administration, blame game is a shared responsibility.”

    You are a fucking idiot-moron-sub 90 IQ pile of shit.
    Get your fucking facts straight before you open your damn pie hole you mouth breathing knuckle dragging lefty demon.

    The plan set forth by the Trump admin was completely scrapped by the former Vice President Joe Biden. If the usurper in chief had followed the plan instituted by President Trump, all of the people and all of the hardware would be out of Afghanistan.

    I fucking HATE lefties, Democrats, Progressives and just for good measure I’ll throw in Libertarians. You make me sick and I wish DEATH upon all of you.

  6. Pussies. Stoicism in the face of disaster is what is called for. I don’t think SD officials went mental after the disasters of Pearl Harbor and the invasion of the Philippines in 1941.

    The people who had a mental breakdown ought to be placed in mental institutions, not working in the SD.

    We need to bring back the ancient Roman manly virtues and stoicism – no crying or hand wringing after a defeat. Just find the people responsible and punish them according to law or tradition.


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