Report: Taxpayers’ Money Going To Islamic Charity Group With Ties To Terrorist Groups – IOTW Report

Report: Taxpayers’ Money Going To Islamic Charity Group With Ties To Terrorist Groups

Daily Caller: One of the largest Islamic charities in the world has financial ties to several terrorist organizations, according to a report obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Islamic Relief, the highly influential international nonprofit, receives funds from the Charitable Society for Social Welfare, for example, which was founded by Al-Qaida terrorist and “Bin Laden loyalist” Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani, the report says. Islamic Relief is also accused of financially supporting Hamas, the militant and political Islamist organization regarded by much of the international community as a terrorist group.

And Americans are helping foot the bill, according to the Middle East Forum (MEF), a conservative think tank based in Philadelphia that investigated and published the report. In the last 10 years, MEF says taxpayers from western countries have provided $80 million to Islamic Relief, which allegedly has a close relationship with networks of the Muslim Brotherhood, also considered by many to be a source of Islamic terrorism despite claims of violence denunciations.  read more

2 Comments on Report: Taxpayers’ Money Going To Islamic Charity Group With Ties To Terrorist Groups

  1. Islam is a world wide TERRORIST ORGANIZATION.
    Every one of the inbred dirt bags needs to be removed
    by force from America and dumped in Africa.
    Keith Elision can lead the men when they get there
    & Linda SoSour can lead the women.

  2. Islamic Relief USA claims to work closely with various UN orgs as well as Red Cross and all the refugee resettlement contractors like Catholic Charities that are mostly funded by the US government–


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