Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States – IOTW Report

Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States


Electric car manufacturer Tesla reportedly plans to close a dozen solar facilities in nine states in the U.S.

Following an announcement that the company would be cutting nine percent of its workforce, Tesla will reportedly be closing nearly a dozen of their solar battery facilities purchased from SolarCity last year in a deal that cost the company $2.6 billion. This report comes from three internal company documents as well as reports from seven current and former solar employees.

The latest cuts to Tesla’s facilities will include the closure of 13 or 14 SolarCity locations, two internal documents provide conflicting figures so it is currently unknown exactly how many will be closed. The company will also be ending a retail partnership with Home Depot which reportedly generated approximately half of SolarCity’s sales. Tesla has declined to clarify how many facilities will be closing, but internal documents show that approximately 60 installation facilities will continue to operate.

The facilities slated to be shut down were listed in the internal documents as being located in California, Maryland, New Jersey, Texas, New York, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Arizona, and Delaware.  more here

14 Comments on Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States

  1. “In effect they seem to be saying, `We have no strategy for selling


    All Leftist Boondoggles have no Strategy…Just Catchphrases and

    Slogans #LOVEWINS #SHEEPLE 😉

  2. It makes liberals feel good and smug like their saving the planet or something. If it was economically viable it wouldn’t need government subsidies of the order its getting. This is stupid Obama’s fault funded all these factories to build them but not the research still needed to make them economically feasible.

  3. California to require all new homes built 2020 and beyond to have solar panels installed. Musk doesn’t stick around for the government shot in the arm? Oh that’s right, SolarCity purchase was a bailout for his cousin, no other reason has been noted.

  4. Leaving before the Cali boondoggle must mean it costs lots more to make than even a government mandate can bring in. Environment jihadists should be protesting because of the damage they cause, both manufacture (rare earth mining) and disposal (hazardous waste).

  5. @FDR, The rivalry between Tesla and Edison is widely known.
    Tesla considered Edison to be a thief and a huckster, selling other’s inventions as his own.
    Tesla died before Edison paid him for the work he did on Edison’s DC current generating plant.
    Edison for all is purported “genius” couldn’t even make the plant work.
    Tesla, not even a fan of DC, came in and fixed it and was never paid by the cheap Edison.
    Tesla tried to convince the powers that AC current was the way to go.
    They went so far as to invent the electric chair, using AC current, to show it was deadly and not suitable for consumer use.,
    After Tesla’s death, he was no longer around to fight for what his vision was and profit from it, Edison, Westinghouse and the emerging electric grid went with AC.
    Elon is Edison, a century removed.
    Tesla cars run on DC, Nikola would not be amused.


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  1. Report: Tesla Plans to Close a Dozen Solar Facilities Across Nine States – IOTW Report - Global Energy Post

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