Summit News: According to a CNN report (make of that what you will) leading Democrats have begun reaching out to “possible replacements” for Joe Biden because they know that the 80 year old president will not run for a second term. MORE HERE

Summit News: According to a CNN report (make of that what you will) leading Democrats have begun reaching out to “possible replacements” for Joe Biden because they know that the 80 year old president will not run for a second term. MORE HERE
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Ok, do I actually need to WEAR the MAGA hat, or just leave it in the hotel room after I shoot him?
Not running for a second term?
He should be hanged for Treason.
Along with Wray, Garland, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, McCarthy, McConnell, Obola, Zuckerberg, the hobo-looking guy, Gates, Fauci, Austin, &c., &c., &c.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
I am looking forward to the spectacle that will ensue, replete with racial/sexist flying at the speed of sound, when Kamala gets tossed to the side in favor of Newsom.
So what’s the bait? A SCOTUS appointment, Secratary of State, cash, a Hunter introduction to one of his Chinese oligarch buddies?
I’d like to see Joe serve just ONE term…in prison. Life term, since we don’t execute traitors anymore.
You are assuming there will be another election.
They will burn it all down before they give up power or let Trump anywhere near the WH.
grobama got tired of working this meat-puppet in the yt-mosque?
Biden* would be installed again if he wasn’t deteriorating so fast. All but the most gullible would balk at 81 million votes* being cast for a guy wearing a drool bucket.
1.) Newsom – horrible track record, worst in history for what he has done to California, Dems don’t care as they can cheat their way to anyone being elected. (See Biden or Fetterman)
2.) MOOCH – would be a shoe in for the Sheep to vote for HOPE v2…..would be the end of this great Republic overnight
3.) AOC – just in for the good laugh
I said here 2 years ago joe told us he’d not run. He said,” IF MY HEALTH IS GOOD I’m reelection bound”. Said it has been well known that Joe has bad health. That was why the Soros Murdock outlets (Fox, NYpost,WSJ…) kept TELLING us how many deep knee bends and pushups Joe did! TELLING Fox, NYPost… never showed us vids of Joe exercising. They wanted us to forget Joe’s fragile health.
I revise the rest of my forecast. GWB’s girl CamelToe will not replace him.
For those not in Cal the BushSoros Cabal started her career by defeating the Ronny man Spade Cooley. I mentioned here last year that “True The Vote’ called Karl “Whiteboard” Marx on this at the time. That was why Fox would not support the movie True the Vote put out!
Things tend to happen for reasons. Soros Murcoch are not haphazard!
Ronny man’s real name is Steve; my weak joke is because i’m old. If yuo’re <80 you probably did not get it.
He can barely walk.
The Pedo knews all along his announcement was horseshit, he was just supposed to shuffle in place until Manchelle could be persuaded to get off her lazy fat ass and swoop in during the convention. That’s why the desiccated old coot is just going through the motions, everyone is in on it.
Unfortunately the Pedo is deteriorating too rapidly, Commielier is supposed to get her few months in the Oval to collect the lifetime benefits and then pardon the crime family in exchange for fat stacks and no further effort.
Gaylord Loathsome is coming in to be VP. No way is a straight white dude gonna be the lead dog but the Wookie won’t work longer than four so he will get his turn.
I will instruct Fur where to send the beer when my predictions come true, Yuengling is preferred.
Pretty confident that Newsom is the anointed one, whom DNC and Dominion will elect. He is very good at stating outright lies, unlike Kamala is reasonably articulate. He will do what he is told to do. Of course he would lose the debates, whether his opponent is Trump, DeSantis, or someone else… but Dominion doesn’t care.
I think they are pulling the ‘Biden isn’t going to do debates’ in order to minimize the number, before he ultimately doesn’t run for obvious reasons.
Bless your hearts, nope he’s running if for just the votes to beat the snot out of 5 year old Donny.