Report: Trump Administration Considering Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Report: Trump Administration Considering Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

Breitbart: The Trump administration is “actively considering plans” for a significant drawdown of American troops in Afghanistan that could begin as soon as several weeks from now, according to a report.

The report of the potential drawdown, from the Wall Street Journal, comes after President Trump announced earlier in the week a planned withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria.

The report also came right before Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his planned resignation in February.

Notably, Mattis’s resignation letter laid out his belief in the importance of allies and alliances, noting that NATO had come to the U.S.’s aid after the 9/11 attack originating from Afghanistan.

He had also spent significant energy convincing NATO allies and partners to continue supporting the mission in Afghanistan through the end of 2020.

There are approximately 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan who are engaged in a training and advising the mission of Afghan troops, as well as a counterterrorism mission.

About 7,000 U.S. troops would begin to come home from Afghanistan in the coming weeks, officials told WSJ.

Trump had campaigned on ending the wars in Afghanistan and had previously vowed to bring home the approximately 2,000 U.S. troops in Syria.

In the summer of 2017, he announced he was adding about 1,000 more troops to bolster the training and advising mission, but said it went against his instinct. Since then, security conditions in Afghanistan have not improved, according to the latest government watchdog report.


16 Comments on Report: Trump Administration Considering Withdrawing U.S. Troops from Afghanistan

  1. Don’t forget about the EU. Once they put down the yellow vested frenchies they will be ready for the Taliban. They will march in and show those afgani’s some shit they never saw before.

  2. If it’s one thing a business man understands, it’s knowing when to cut your losses.

    The Russians understood this when they pulled out of the Stan back in the 80’s.

    Let the UN show us how it’s done.

  3. Good! Bring them home from afghanistan and then bring them home from yemen, niger, s korea, and keep it going. Our global military misadventures have gotten out of control and are bankrupting us, to no good end. Stop this foolishness now

  4. Oh crud. If we pull out if Afghanistan, all of the corrupt congressmen who have been getting rich off illegal deals, either drugs or war related, will panic.

    The only reason for a political war is graft.

    the acquisition of money, gain, or advantage by dishonest, unfair, or illegal means, especially through the abuse of one’s position or influence in politics, business, etc.‘

  5. Good. Bout damn time. Always has been, always will be a third world, 4th century shit hole full of inbred, brain dead Muslims not worth saving. Before we got there they were busy killing each other. We show up and they switched to killing us. Let them go back to killing each other.

  6. Afghanistan had become America’s longest war. And for what?!

    But suddenly the Media are warhawks, breathless in their shock at Trump doing what they yammered for for years.

  7. Exactly. Bring ’em home and use them to patrol the southern border. And train them for upcoming clashes with China. That’s our existential threat, not Afghanistan – a thuggish nation of sheep fuckers.

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